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  1. ekclark

    cleaning used tank for reef

    Thanks Rob...should I just let the vinegar dry in it after the scrubbing or how do you make sure their isn't anything left in there? BTW--what are doing with your lights from the 150?
  2. ekclark

    Best Live Sand ???

    That is what most people do...seed their sand. I bought 100# of lr and 40 # of ls from here and had neither of the nasty buggers you mentioned--though at the time you could only get fiji here and that us what I ordered.
  3. ekclark

    cleaning used tank for reef

    Thanks cpr...yeah oxyclean has disaster written all over it and I can just see myself becoming the guy with "oxyclean post" and not too much sympathy;)
  4. ekclark

    cleaning used tank for reef

    I am doing just that...took my parent's 125, used for fw with inverts (hopefully copper free) and was wondering how best to clean this thing out? It has dried algae on the sides and just some dried gunk here and there. I cannot, I am on my own with this thing, just take the thing outside and...
  5. ekclark

    CPR hang on refugium

    I can't imagine this weight damaging your tank...unless there are some sort of special circumstances (like your 65 is wood and rotting). I grow a lot macro and critters in mine and have 13 watt pc clip on over it. I am moving up to 35 gallon diy rubbermaid refuge, but I enjoyed my time with...
  6. ekclark

    diadema and fridmani

    thanks, rye
  7. ekclark

    Pssssssst!! Someone wants to meet you!

    Great fish...sounds like a great lfs. I wish I had one close to me that cared so much.
  8. ekclark

    Lagoonal Reef

    Bang--thanks for doing're not renting, right?
  9. ekclark

    Lagoonal Reef

    Bang--thanks for doing're not renting, right?
  10. ekclark

    diadema and fridmani

    Do you think these two could coexist in a 125? I have the diadema (aka flashback gramma) but have always wished I had gone with the orchid. Anyone tried this?
  11. ekclark

    what do you do with your baserock?

    would a heavy metal sponge mess up my water chemistry? I have read that some of them will soft your water...will this throw off my ph or cause any other problems? Can you suggest a brand?
  12. ekclark

    what do you do with your baserock?

    Thanks Thomas and Kip...I think this is a subject worth talking more about case of disater--do those heavy metal sponges work worth anything?
  13. ekclark

    what do you do with your baserock?

    This baserock is former live rock and tufa rock. I have heard people talk about tufa as a great base...was this wrong and why? I am using this rock in the hope of it becoming live in my larger tank when I add 115# of actual lr.
  14. ekclark

    what do you do with your baserock?

    I just bought a lot of baserock for a new tank and I was wondering how you guys suggest getting it tank ready...
  15. ekclark

    To DSB or not to DSB

    of course you need to set things up properly for them to work, this is not breaking news. Do a little research and you'll see it isn't a heck of a lot of work to set it up properly. Most of the horror stories about dsbs is from people just dumping sand and thinking that is all it takes.
  16. ekclark

    Wanting to buy tank/equip. in Illinois

    let me know what you are looking for...I am currently upgrading from my 75 to a 125...I will have a lot of leftover stuff (prism skimmer, wet dry-minus overflow, cpr refuge, NO lights, heater, power heads, etc.)
  17. ekclark

    To DSB or not to DSB

    I have dsb in my 75 and its refuge, I am setting up a 125 as we speak and it will have a dsb. I can see it working and love having another little ecosystem going on the bottom of my tank. Use it, the arguments against it haven't made a very strong case, IMO, and some simply don't like the...
  18. ekclark

    First Time w/

    I know it seems strange to people, ordering fish over the mail, but do you think that the fish at your lfs have been driven there or sent by a special train? They get many of them in the mail. I have never had a fish come sick or lifeless from I trust them more than I do my lfs...
  19. ekclark

    dwarf angel in a reef

    46 may still be pushing it...I have a coral beauty and he is a perfect gentleman. He just can't seem to get along with my yellow tang, but their move to a 125 in the next two weeks may help the situation.
  20. ekclark

    A message from my family to yours...

    A little health a little wealth a little house and freedom, and in the end a little friend and little cause to need him. Happy Thanksgiving everyone and God bless our troops and their families. Some day this mess will be over with.