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  1. col

    Green Alge

    The simple fact is that anything not live (fake corals, decorations) will get covered in algae eventually. There is no way round this other than to take it out and clean it.
  2. col

    Need Major Help.. Please Assist

    Also, nitrates are the last part of the nitrogen cycle.
  3. col

    Need Major Help.. Please Assist

    You are in a lot of trouble I'm afraid. You should not have fish in a cycling tank, let alone be adding more! Also by doing water changes you are prolonging the cycle.
  4. col

    High Ph Level !!!

    How long after you mixed it did you test?
  5. col

    nitrites issues!

    Don't worry about it for now, wait until your ammonia has dropped. I can't remember which way round it is but if you have nitrites it gives you a false nitrate reading (or other way round).
  6. col


    Yup, turn your lights off at night. Not sure what you mean by moonlights.
  7. col

    T5 Ballast

    Can you use a 54w ballast to run 39w tube? I know it works that way with T8 tubes and ballast but not sure about T5. Thanks
  8. col

    Holy Ammonia

    What else is in the tank, any livestock?
  9. col

    Green Bubble Algae-Advise Needed

    My emerald never touvched a single bubble! I just pick mine off and try not to burst them. If they are not coming off very well let them grow a bit. If you have a rock covered in them take it out and pick them off. I wouldn't get too worried about them. Most people looking at the tank think...
  10. col

    Quick Question before the cycle

    When using LR to cycle the tank you may never actually see the cycle happening, but I'm sure it will be. 50lbs of LR in 55g tank should handle any ammonia ok. If you want to be sure and actaully "see" ammonia and nitrite spikes than start the cycle with a dead shrimp etc. Can't help you on the...
  11. col

    Adding another clown

    Agreed with viper, 3 is definitley a crowd in clownfish land.
  12. col

    Mandarin Died :-( Need Help

    If it's dead they will find it, no doubt about that. I'm not sure how appetising a mandarin is to eat so check your ammonia level just to be sure..
  13. col

    Trumpet coral

    I can't say I've ever seen it open at night but the feeding tentacles definitley come out. I've got 220w T5 and 30W NO flourescent. They are about halfway up the tank (36 UK Gallons, 18 inch deep). The tank I got them from was much deeper with less lighting.
  14. col

    Trumpet coral

    Anyone seen a Trumpet on a stalk like this before. It has been milliput to LR to keep upright. I've had it about 6 weeks now and it hasn't opened up that much, if at all. Does it look ok?
  15. col

    45 G, Clownfish & Anemone HELP

    Can i put Anemone in my tank now, its been running for 2 weeks Simple answer - No. Can i add my two clownfish yet? Wait until the cycle is complete. What kind of lighting should i get? If you want anenomes aim for the best - Metal Halides.
  16. col

    Attatching GSP to Rock

    I use elastic bands and they attatch within a few weeks.
  17. col

    aiptasia and polyps

    Could one aiptasia cause havoc in a polyp colony? I've been stumped as to why a bare patch was appearing in the polyps. I moved it higher up, fed it more(not sure if it was responding to food or just closing up for protection) and now I can see aiptasia legs (or arms) sticking out on the edge of...
  18. col

    polyp poo?

    Was looking at my tank tonight and noticed lots of small dark disc shapes floating around, some with stringy bits attatched. Turns out they are coming from orange button polyps. If it's polyp poo howcome I'ver never seen them before?
  19. col

    Pinpoint monitors

    Are the pinpoint pH monitors for continuous use or can they used for intemittent testing?
  20. col

    I dont understand my calcium

    Yes, there is such a thing as too high calcium. It should be 400 - 450, so yours is well high. What are you measuring KH with (dkh, mEq/L ???) A KH of 110 sounds impossible to me.