I have some stray Yellow Zoanthids that are stinging other corals.
Any tips for removing them? I tried pulling them out with tweezers but only managed to pull their heads off.
Any tried and tested ways other than removing the rock?
Were they white when you got them?
I had brown ones that turned white before. Some returned to brown by starting off at the edges first.
I've never seen white mushrooms for sale before.
All stock needs to be acclimatised (is that a word) by floating the bag in the tank it is being added to match temperature. Then water from the tank is slowly added to the bag to match SG, pH etc until the livestock is put in the tank.
QT means quarantine tank. This is a seperate tank where new...
Yeah, it's a poor pic, my camera isn't up to night vision! That pic was the best of about 20 I took.
Not sure if they are the same. Your pic looks like the worm has spikes rather than the feathery bits.
Could be the same I suppose.
They are a pain for sure.
Let them grow a bit and try and remove them manually by twisting them and moving them gently.
If the rock is easy to move then do it out of the tank.
Yeah, mine pulses.
There is lots of different kinds of xenia that looks the same and some that look nothing like the pulsing stuff, but still Xenia.(does that make any sense?)
Anyone know what could be making these polyps unhappy and leaving the rock. I got them with some LR and they were under halides. I put them highish up (as high as the LR was. They were ok for months but had to move things around a bit in the tank.
They were ok for a while again but I noticed...