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  1. col

    Filter changes

    Yeah, rinse the foam now and then. But don't do it with tapwater, do it with tank water when you make a water change.
  2. col

    Filter changes

    What is in the packages and what do you mean by "filter part".
  3. col


    Nope. Can you syphon it off? If your tank is newly cycle or cycling then it is normal. If it isn't then you need to get to the root of the problem.
  4. col

    Will this help my Nitrate Nightmare!

    The chemical that holds the cube together can cause your nitrates to go sky high. Never heard of that one! The "chemical" will be water. Have you double checked your test kit? Have you tested the tap water for nitrates?
  5. col

    Using a Buffer for ph

    Doncheecho The guy at the fish store is wrong. As said by others you cannot put them fish in a few day old tank and expect anything but trouble. There is a million to one chance that everything survives, i hope it happens.
  6. col

    Using a Buffer for ph

    What is the pH level in your tank? How old is your tank and has it cycled?
  7. col

    Oh no, not another Prizm question....

    Thanks for the replies. Have tried the first 2, so will try cleaning it next. cheers
  8. col


    What are you going to use for filtration when you remove UGF. If for example you were going to use a cannister filter - You need to set this up running for a while (few weeks maybe) before you remove the UGF.
  9. col

    Oh no, not another Prizm question....

    I've seen loadsa questions about prizms and bubble, but can't find the answer to this one. My tank is almost 2 years old, 42g and fairly well stocked. The prizm worked fine for a while but now it's gone ape. To stop it putting bubbles in the tank I have to have it turned down so low that there...
  10. col

    Anemone help please

    What lighting do you have?
  11. col

    Whats the best stuff to use to raise ph?

    You need to check your alk levels and maybe calcium if you are having trouble with pH. If you have been adding buffer then definitley check the alk (dkh) level first. Your tank is cycled right?
  12. col

    LR and removing Cannister

    Hi My cannister filter has just broke and I'm not sure wether to replace it or not. Set up is: 20 months old 36 UK (42 USA) gallons 20+ kg live rock Prism skimmer 2 percs, R Gramma, bicolour blennie, Bangaii Cardinal, YT Damsel - all pretty small. Quite a few people have said to ditch the...
  13. col

    How to

    I have no idea but to save time post your tank dimensions so others can help you.
  14. col

    Panther Grouper

    You'll know it's time when it eats the percula and chromis.
  15. col

    Newbie Lighting confusion Help?

    Basically it is what is pleasing to your eye then.
  16. col

    Help- Red-leg hermits dying

    Sorry if it's a dumb question but they aren't just molting are they?
  17. col

    Newbie Lighting confusion Help?

    Depends what you mean by inverts. Snails, crabs etc are inverts and need no special lighting. If you want to keep corals you are going to need way more lighting than 40w.
  18. col

    pH STILL low.....ughhhhh

    Rushing things tends to lead to problems. Put the damsels in if you want and monitor the ammo, nitrite, nitrate levels.
  19. col

    pH STILL low.....ughhhhh

    If you are cycling your tank don't worry about pH level. Don't add any more buffer, just let the tank cycle.
  20. col

    ph bounce

    Is it 7.8 in the morning and 8.2 at night? If so, it is normal to have a pH swing in this way. I'm not sure whether 7.8 to 8.2 is an "acceptable" swing though - others may know better.