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  1. col

    test kits and additives

    No one got any opinions or input? Too busy arguing with Bob???????
  2. col


    To be honest I would concentrate on fish only for a while yet. There is so much to do just mastering the water parameters that it can quickly become disheartening when you spend money and things go wrong. It was a year before I bought my first bit of live Rock (everything costs more in England).
  3. col

    hair algea....agian!

    Try and loosen it and syphon it off, doesn't have to be with a toothbrush.
  4. col

    test kits and additives

  5. col

    test kits and additives

    I use both pH buffer (pH and alk) and drip kalk cheers
  6. col

    test kits and additives

    Posted in this forum, only got 1 reply in other (cheers Rob) Any other test kits I should have other than: ammo, trites, trates, PO4, calcium, mag, pH, alk. I have calcium, mag and kalk additives. My tank is 18 months and has polyps, shrooms and xenia at this moment. How important are other...
  7. col

    Tap Water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yes, if you have plenty of plant life.
  8. col

    test kits and additives

    Any other test kits I should have other than: ammo, trites, trates, PO4, calcium, mag, pH, alk. I have calcium, mag and kalk additives. My tank is 18 months and has polyps, shrooms and xenia at this moment. How important are other kits and additives (essential or desirable?) Thanks
  9. col

    ID please

  10. col

    ID please

    Anyone know what the ones with the blue spots are called? Thanks
  11. col

    PH alk kalk

    Tested today at about 2pm. Can't test at night because my digital pH meter broke (next item on buy list) and the test kit is no good in artificial light. IMO you're doing it right with the dosing. Buffering or kalk?
  12. col

    PH alk kalk

    Hi Again Still having pH probs. PH - 7.9 or maybe 8 Alk 9.6 dkh Calcium 480 I was dripping kalk for a month or so but calcium went up to 500, so I've had to stop (correct?). I had not added any calcium seperatley whilst dripping kalk. I'm slowly adding pH buffer (I've noticed corralline turns...
  13. col

    T5 compact queestion

    yeah, 6500k is yellow looking. Do you know the lumens on your 6500k bulbs? I mainly want to check that it really is ok for my tank.
  14. col

    T5 compact queestion

    This bulb came with retro fit compact T5 unit: 55w daylight deluxe, 6500k, 4650 lumens. 6500k is not my first choice, but no other bulbs available here in UK at the moment. I have 1200k to go with it, but will be replacing the 6500k when others are available. I'm not sure it is aquarium specific...
  15. col

    Hmmmm... nitrates

    Test some RO water (if you use it) and it should have zero nitrates. If you get a reading on the RO water from one test kit then it is probably faulty. When your LFS says great, what do they mean?
  16. col


    The lighting issue has been dragging on and on now. There is a complete lack of compact bulbs in the size I want in England. I could get another type but it would be 78w instead of 110w and then i would have about 90w T8 to go with it. Why is nothing ever easy in life???
  17. col


    Thanks for the replies. It's only been in my tank for a few days, I got it free on some Live Rock. My lighting is only 100w NO, but my T5 lighting is on order. The tank it came from was an amazing set up - I've seen nothing like it. How long would it last in my tank with my lighting? Does it...
  18. col


    Is this a particular type of Xenia or is it simply Xenia. Is it hard/easy to keep?
  19. col

    Night time critters

    This one is a type of worm with black and white stripes. It quickly disappeared when light was shone on it.
  20. col

    Night time critters

    Anyone ID these please?