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  1. col

    Yellow leather

    How does this Yellow leather look - good or bad condition?
  2. col

    mushroom wars

    And here's where it as sat above.
  3. col

    mushroom wars

    Heres the shroom, the bottom half is missing almost.
  4. col

    mushroom wars

    Would a yellow polyp damage a mushroom? The large mushroom is on the front of a rock and is surrounded by button polyps. I recently moved it above a rock with the same button polyps but with yellow polyps also. the bottom half of the muchroom has been damaged and looks like it has dissolved...
  5. col


    I read somewhere that Xenia just crashes for no reason in some peoples tank. What type of Xenia is it and how's your pH?
  6. col

    ah crap!

    Test your water for ammonia to see if you need to worry. If you have crabs they will have taken care of the dead fish (if it is dead).
  7. col

    Xenia is taking over!

    Instead of cutting it try gripping it as low down as you can and it will all come away from the rock. It feels as though you are squeezing the stem when you do it - works for me.
  8. col

    Undergravel filter with Live sand?

    Yes, keep the powerheads but remove the UGF.
  9. col

    ID please

    Can anyone ID these. I have a toadstool leather which is way bigger than any of these, but they are similar characteristics. The ones in the picture there have no polyps on the ends of the "tentacles" like the Toadstool has.
  10. col

    Green Bubbles on LR

    Why? They are still cool even if they don't eat the valonia, plus I heard that their munching on coralline actually helps it spread. Because it was eating the corraline far quicker than it could spread. It was stripping patches of rock overnight - that would take weeks or even months to grow back.
  11. col

    Ca suplement......

    You need to buy a Calcium test kit to see if it is needed. It's not wise to add stuff blindly.
  12. col

    Green Bubbles on LR

    Took my emerald crab back to LFS after a week as it never touched bubble algae but was munching on Corraline. Sometimes they are easier to pick off when they get a bit bigger. Try gently twisting them . If they are stuck in crevices then you have no choice. Just hope that the spores land...
  13. col

    Which Coral to add

    Your doing it the wrong way round in my opinion. Fish first - corals later is the way I did it. How big is your tank and what lighting do you have (you said great - what does that mean?)
  14. col


    One theory is that ich is always present in the water, but only stressed or sick fiah will actaully suffer with it. Yes, the lifecycle of ich means it looks lie it is coming and going. Unfortuantley some fishes are prone to ich and Hippo is one of them.
  15. col

    Glass Top or No ?

    I have a canopy with lights in, but no cover glass or condensation trays etc over the water.
  16. col


    Likely causes: Phosphates, nitrates, poor circulation. Start syphoning it off and just keep at it when it returns - worked for me.
  17. col

    Corals and Lighting

    What type of lighting is it?
  18. col

    End of Cycle ... ?

    Have you got your own test kits?
  19. col

    possible causes for low alkalinity

    Alk - pH and Calcium are all related (and mag). What is in your tank? If it is fish only then I wouldn't worry too much. If you have corals I would raise the calcium to 400 - 450 then take readings again.
  20. col

    Leakin Fluval filter

    Relli On the main cannister where the motor unit sits there is 2 "wells" eithe side of the hinges. They are connected to the groove where the motor unit and seal sits. If these have water in them then the water trickles out from where the handles are on mine. Not 15 Gallon though!! I make sure...