Search results

  1. mace

    55 G Stocking?

    Originally Posted by nicetry clowns, basslets, dartfish, gobies, wrasses, cardinals, damsels.. lots of choices. pair of ocellaris clowns, blackcap basslet, pair of yellow tail blue damsels, carpenters flasher wrasse, and a pink spotted shrimp goby, would give you a nice colorful set-up. I would...
  2. mace

    Stocking Question/Assistance - what to get?

    Originally Posted by JasonMarc 3 fish in a 44 gallon tank? How about some of the 35 other people that looked at this - any ideas/suggestions? Thanks You have to look at how big those fish will get. 44 gals is not a lot. I have a 40g hex and only have 3 fish in there. Clown, basslet and a...
  3. mace

    corall banded shrimp ever aggressive?

    Originally Posted by sepulatian Your shrimp is still small. Most of the "pro CBS" responses are when the shrimp is still small. Mine was about 3", MUCH larger than my cleaners. He was a mean little guy. I think if you ask 10 people about cbs's you will get 4 pro and 6 con (not from my own...
  4. mace

    Good school fish

    Profile says 55.
  5. mace

    corall banded shrimp ever aggressive?

    mine is just fine. but he is smaller then my other two shrimps (cleaners). But if you ask 10 different people you will get 10 different anwsers.
  6. mace

    Beggining A Tank Help Please

    Originally Posted by Lesleybird Hi, If you go in the ocean and get the rocks yourself then keep them moist in some water and you will not need to cure it. Lesley Getting lr from the ocean is illegal. Tangs need 6 foot tanks for the swimming space they are very active and need ALOT of room.
  7. mace

    Live Rock

    Originally Posted by 1journeyman 30 minutes doesn't scare me, especially if you keep the rock cool and most. It's the original poster's "few hours" that bothers me. I would wait the week like 1journeyman said. Its better to be safe then sorry, IMO.
  8. mace

    Attn Bang Guy- neodymium magnets and RUST

    I haven't done this yet but, I would glue (silicone) it right to the housing. The silicone will peel off if you need to replace it or do what ever to it.
  9. mace

    blue hippo tang

  10. mace

    Just added live rock - Opinions PLease?

    Originally Posted by LexLuethar IMO i would create spaces inbetween some of the rocks. Right now everything is crammed together, i think it has a more appealing look when there are larger gaps between rocks - doing so will also make it look like you have more rock. Tank looks great though...
  11. mace

    new blue hippo question

    Originally Posted by renogaw not part of the tang police, and i don't know what size tank you have. just stating what i've seen, read, and listened to from a personal friend. btw, SWF will tell you that the minimum tank sizes is for the fish they sell, not the fish they grow up to be. Agreed
  12. mace

    Hippo feeling blue

    180 would be nice but dont have to have that, 6 foot tank yes.....
  13. mace

    My updated fish list, good or bad?

    from what I have read they do better in odd numbers (could just be me reading it wrong) and yes they are a schooling fish but I have a small tank and dont want to add a large number and have them be stressed and not make it. that is why I was thinking of 3.
  14. mace

    My updated fish list, good or bad?

    I love the chromis those will be the last fish I put in my tank only going to add 3.
  15. mace

    G-funk's 55g reef journal

    You going to add more lr??
  16. mace

    My updated fish list, good or bad?

    Tangs are fine together. You might want to add them together like the other people said above me though.
  17. mace

    cheap and easy moonlights

    Thanks Nemo, Heck its only .3 watts!!!
  18. mace

    New LIVE SAND on- the Way - HELP

    If it is Live Sand no need to wash it you would wash all the Live out of it. I would do what Bang Guy said and leave the fish in QT.
  19. mace

    20 GALLON TANK set up!

    Dont we all