Search results

  1. stw280

    75 to a 240 gallon

    Ya I am still thinking about everything I will begin cycling my tank at the end of the month. I am a big fan of the tesseletta eel. Thinking of getting a nice show angel instead of the shark as my focal point. Thanks for all the input.
  2. stw280

    Looking for Filtration

    do any extras come with it; bio balls, a power head?
  3. stw280

    Looking for Filtration

    Tallahassee Florida, 32304
  4. stw280

    75 to a 240 gallon

    Thanks alot for the ideas lion. I'm still giving a lot of thought to trying to keep the sharks or not we will see. The 240 gallon tank purchase fell through and today I bought a 210 gallon on sale from my lfs. With the smaller tank space I am reconsidering the whole shark idea. Although that...
  5. stw280

    Looking for Filtration

    What would shipping be.
  6. stw280

    Looking for Filtration

    I just bought a new 210 gallon tank with overflows, a stand, and a canopy. Before I spend all the money on new filtration lighting and all that, does anyone have anything to offer me in North Florida. Looking for everything.
  7. stw280

    75 to a 240 gallon

    Thanks for the response I think we have similar ideas on our new tanks. I have thought about the live rock issue and I thought maybe I could add some to part of the for the eels but not so much the shark couldn't avoid it.
  8. stw280

    75 to a 240 gallon

    well that didn't help anything. Anyone with some advice.
  9. stw280

    75 to a 240 gallon

    Just bought a new house and ordered my new 240 gallon tank. I am getting the tank but it will be weeks before I try to set it up and a couple months before I stock it. In my seventy five now I have a volitan lion, a black dog faced puffer, a snowflake eel, and a little clown trigger. I know...
  10. stw280

    Tank Wanted in North Florida

    my e-mail is
  11. stw280

    Tank Wanted in North Florida

    The time issue is not a problem as I do not close on my new house until April 25. I might be very interested if you could send me pics. As well as dimensions for the tank and a list of everything that is included. The only problem might be that I am considering a larger tank now, 125 my not...
  12. stw280

    Tank Wanted in North Florida

    No big tanks for sale in N Florida.
  13. stw280

    Tank Wanted in North Florida

    still looking for a big tank anyone withe a 210 or 240 gallon.
  14. stw280

    Tank Wanted in North Florida

    I Just turned my 75 gallon reef into an aggresive setup. I'm moving in the next two months and would possibly like to upgrade to either a 125 gallon or a 180. Maybe bigger. I travel frequently between Jacksonville and Tallahassee if anyone has anything to offer I might be interested. Thanks
  15. stw280

    Converting Reef Tank to Aggresive

  16. stw280

    Converting Reef Tank to Aggresive

    No that helps, I'm looking for any ideas, suggestions, knowledge.
  17. stw280

    Converting Reef Tank to Aggresive

    I have a 75 gallon reef setup that has been going for about 8 months. I have been wanting to give an aggresive setup a try. My tank suffered severe casualties during hurricane frances, but seems to be stabilizing now. While my coral population is low. I thought I might make the switch. I...
  18. stw280

    Frogspawn help

    Thanks Bill I think you are right.
  19. stw280

    500 gal reef converted to 850gal reef

    Just curious about the website. I'm infactuated.
  20. stw280

    Lagoonal Reef

    Bang the website is still down I was wondering if you could post a picture or two of the lagoon on Thanks alot as a newcomer I can really say your post have helped me out a lot. I don't know where my tank would be without this site.