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  1. fin follower ed

    Picked Up A 40 Gallon Hex

    Hey guys, I picked up a 40 gallon hex tank with a wet/dry hang on the back filter at a garage sale for 20 bucks and I was wondering if you guys had any ideas for the new set up. Thanks, ED
  2. fin follower ed

    Does anyone have pics of their trigger

    Awsome fish guys, love the Titian and Queen especially.
  3. fin follower ed

    Predatory Community Tanks

    I love Stonefish, although things that can kill me in my tank freak me out.
  4. fin follower ed

    Chainlink eels rare?

    they're common
  5. fin follower ed

    lions act like this??

    Man when your Fish really does get sick it's going to be scary. You need to calm down man.
  6. fin follower ed

    overfeeding SFE?

    Most SW fish wont eat if their full like a freash water fish would, my SFE only eats when he's hungry and doesn't eat when he isn't hungry, I've had him for 5 years and he's gone weeks without eating then ate more then I thought possible other times, I think it evens out. I wouldn't worry.
  7. fin follower ed

    Viper Moray

    I looked into getting one a while back and found out that they are hard to find in a LFS, if you do find one it will probably be billed as an "Assorted Moray". They don't get too big, 3 feet and they are meat eaters. I never found one or someone who had one, but good luck.
  8. fin follower ed

    Lniofish!!!! Wtahc Out@!

    go for a dwarf
  9. fin follower ed

    What to add with Snowflake eel?

    sfe aren't fish eaters, you should be able to keep them with smaller fish is he's well fed.
  10. fin follower ed

    The V Word

    Back, and all is good.
  11. fin follower ed

    all trigger tank

    I thinking keeping that many triggers together is too risky. I tried it and I added one bad Undulated that took them all out. In the wild triggers try to get as far away from one and other, I think that is a pretty good indication of the results of all trigger tanks.
  12. fin follower ed

    The V Word

    cross your fingers and say a prayer for my fish, I'm going to be gone for the next week. :scared:
  13. fin follower ed

    Moonlites on Shark tank

    tight, that's a DIY I plan on attempting for the 180 soon.
  14. fin follower ed

    brazilian yellow banana eels

    all I know is they look really cool and are really expensive.
  15. fin follower ed

    bamboo and a tang?

    There shouldn't be a compatablity problem.
  16. fin follower ed

    humma humma triger

    I have a Huma Rectangalus like you would see in Hawii, he's awesome.
  17. fin follower ed

    mantis shrimp breakin glass??

    Yes, but they will only attempt to if highly irritated, I would suggest keeping them in a acrylic tank.
  18. fin follower ed

    Free Shark

    good one dice man
  19. fin follower ed

    what can i put in a 33g??

    Zebra and Fuzzys only grow to around 7 inches while the fu manchu only gets 4 and they don't swim much, they should be fine in the 33. A mantis tank is another option.
  20. fin follower ed

    what can i put in a 33g??

    You could keep a dwarf Lion in the 33, as well as a hawkfish, maroon clown.:happyfish