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  1. fin follower ed

    trigger picky?

    My fish are funny. If I give them one food and they like it then that's all they want to eat for like a month, but after a while they want something different, I usaully rotate with foods. Although some of my fish are always up for any food, like my trigger :)
  2. fin follower ed

    new purple tang

    This my be out of line, but I'm so glad that my purple doesn't look like that.
  3. fin follower ed

    Has anyone heard of a Green Spotted Moray?

    Any two of the three eels that Midwest mentioned would do good in a 55, if it was my tank and I was going for eels I would get two SFE. The more docile eels should be fine together.
  4. fin follower ed

    Humu Humu Trigger?

    He could be talking about a Huma Huma Rectanglus Triggerfish witch is predominately brown, I just purchased one from my LFS, he's cool. ED
  5. fin follower ed

    what's an aggressive setups

    FOWLR is what got mw
  6. fin follower ed

    My Snowflake

    Give him sometime, he's just geting used to his new home.
  7. fin follower ed

    Added a new fish

    How bad did he get him? If he just picked on him a little then it's normal, if he's really bad I would bring him back, or bring th the trigger back.
  8. fin follower ed

    what's an aggressive setups

    Wrasses Squirle Fish Tangs the list goes on and on and on
  9. fin follower ed

    what's an aggressive setups

    no, an aggressive set up is a tank that showcases aggressive or predatory fish. A tank without a filter is just a tank that wont work.
  10. fin follower ed


    The two fish are very simlar in body shapes which could lead to problems, I would be hesitant to put those two together.
  11. fin follower ed

    Panther Grouper

    They get some where around two feet and wide. I would suggest a Lunare wrasse for the tank of a hardy tang, better fits IMO.
  12. fin follower ed

    School of chromis in semi agg. tank?

    Their dead fish, but a little natural prey is good for aggressive fish. Although I do think that it makes triggers meaner.
  13. fin follower ed

    Poor fish

    look closely in the bottom left hand sid eof the tank and you can see an eel too. Man stuff like that kills me.
  14. fin follower ed

    Don "The Hermit" King

    HAHA thats too cool
  15. fin follower ed

    Mantis and Lion

    I love mantis shrimp, I hope the two get along.
  16. fin follower ed

    What type of fish is this?

    I've never heard of anyone actually keeping a deep sea angler, I think they would have to be kept in complete darkness to be happy, and they get huge.
  17. fin follower ed

    spring/summer project!

    Play sand doesn't have the same buffering capacity as aragonite based sand, but it probably won't pollute the tank. I wouldn't advise keeping anything with an undulated, that's a lesson I learned the hard way.
  18. fin follower ed

    Hows this setup sound

    If there is a problem it will most likely be with the trigger bullying the puffer.
  19. fin follower ed

    My new Fuzzy dwarf lion

    cool fish, small aggressive tanks are tight. Get a flame hawk :D
  20. fin follower ed

    Anyone run a large aggressive tank with a skimmer only?

    My new 180 only has 200# of LR and a Euro-Reef 8-2 on it. I'm also going to do a fuge, we'll see how it goes.