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  1. djcanis

    Need Help ASAP

    big black thing is a canister filter running carbon. The crab stirred up the body of the angel, so I got that out, it was pretty rotten. Fish seem to be doing ok, since I dont have heaters for the coral, they're in the bathroom with the heater running, its like 90 degrees in the room, water...
  2. djcanis

    Need Help ASAP

    the water change, I got 12 in a rubbermaid, a 5gal and 2 4gal buckets. Dont have room in the rubbermaid with the rock for the frags, should I sacrifice some rock, let it dye off and cycle it in a tub later on so I can get the coral in the bin?
  3. djcanis

    Need Help ASAP

    Im mixing water now, goonna have about 25 gal all said and done to change out... How long should I let it run in the tubs? I have powerheads running and heaters in the tubs with the fresh water. Once its at temp and sg, how long should I wait?
  4. djcanis

    Need Help ASAP

    checked all the plumbing in the sump first, before moving rock, no sign of anything, missing a flame angel and green chromie. checked all around the cabinet and stand, nothing, and the water looks a lot less cloudy in the pics...
  5. djcanis

    Need Help ASAP

    Have ammo lock, dont know if I can make up 45gal of water that quick, how long should I let it run in 5gal buckets after mixing if its at temp and sg? I have a canister in there now just running carbon, thinking about digging out my old hob's and running those... Also, my corals are in...
  6. djcanis

    Need Help ASAP

    Top pic is with light off which I have it, less stress on the fish, bottom is with lights on
  7. djcanis

    Need Help ASAP

    30lbs LR wen into my sump, 70 is in a giant rubbermaid with powerhead and heater. Corals are in random assorted tupperwear containers across the living room, as for stock, 2 true percs, hippo tang, royal gamma, 6 line, da??? goby (cant think of it now), lawnmower blenny, sally light foot...
  8. djcanis

    Need Help ASAP

    Ok so I think I paniced and really screwed some things up... I got home from work and realized that 2 of my fish have been missing for day... I got a little worried cause the GF hasn't seen them in days. So after searching and slightly moving some stuff around still had no sign of them. My...
  9. djcanis

    Pink Cucumber

    What are the warning signs of something going wrong with cuc's? I am less scared the more reading I do, but I have read about making sure they dont starve... How do I tell if its malnurished? Besides seeing it on a Sally Struthers infomercial asking for 25 cents a day... No seriously, what...
  10. djcanis

    Putting beer in a fish tank

    I was reading a 200 plus post on vodka dosing... Keystone does make a good chaser for Mohawk Vodka, wouldnt you agre Joe...
  11. djcanis

    When preparing much salt do you eyball per gallon?

    +1 on the half cup a gallon... It varies depending on the temp of the water, trace elements in the water... Check with the manufacturer of the brand of salt using, most will have a guide somewhere that will alyout projected SG at specific temp with specific salt. Coralife is just under 1/2...
  12. djcanis

    Some random questions

    Ok, here we go, a few random questions that I wonder... 1) Top Off Water - What do you recomend for SG and salt content of top off water? I have been using 4 gallons of fresh water and 1 gallon of salt mix. My thought is that salt doesnt evoporate like water so as water evoporates, salt stays...
  13. djcanis

    Does anyone use an AquaMedic T1000 Skimmer?

    I didnt know it was for bio balls, it mentions nothing in the pdf maunal I have. I have a filter pad and carbon in it. Thats what I was told it was for, running carbon. I was gonna swap in and out carbon and phosguard bags.
  14. djcanis

    Does anyone use an AquaMedic T1000 Skimmer?

    So the ocean runner is for circulation only? That makes sense... Now I see why its not working properly... I was told when I bought it that all you have to do is run a piece of 3/4 inch tube off the pvc intake tube and its running... A second powerhead feeding it makes a lot more sense...
  15. djcanis

    Does anyone use an AquaMedic T1000 Skimmer?

    Well, first I cant seem to get enough pressure from the pump... I had it up and runniong for 4 hours, teh pump would push water into the skimmer, but never enough to get the level or the foam to rise above the body. I tweaked it for hours and nothing... Also, the water intake on the tube from...
  16. djcanis

    what is ....

    If the rock isnt alive then how come every day its in a different location in my tank. I mean a 3/4" clow fish cant possibly move a 20# piece of rock...
  17. djcanis

    Does anyone use an AquaMedic T1000 Skimmer?

    bump... Come on, show some love, lets start slow... Anyone ever heard of an Aquamedic T1000 skimmer... And no cheating... lol
  18. djcanis

    Pink Cucumber

    Ok, so I have one in my tank now. The GF decided to get me some stuff for my tank. I did a bunch of reading up on them and am a little disturbed about this toxic secretion they may let off if spooked or die... Anyone have any suggestions? What to do, not to do? Care, etc... Its cool...
  19. djcanis

    Does anyone use an AquaMedic T1000 Skimmer?

    49,000 members and I am the only one who uses this skimmer??? lol someone know someone that has one? perhaps yours cousins nephews great uncle knew this guy who had one?
  20. djcanis

    Sump Return Pump

    Sweet, I will have to try that later... I know it wont solve everything, but it should help... Thanks for all the help! It is greatly appreciated. B.