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  1. usinkit

    too much flow?

    I have 51x turnover in my 40 and all is fine!!
  2. usinkit

    Water Test Results...Ready for fish?

    If your ammonia and nitrites spiked and came back down to 0 i would say your ready to add your clowns.
  3. usinkit

    Reef Lighting Time Periods Please Help !!!

    I run my atinics from 11am to 11pm and my daylights from 1pm to 9pm. As soon as my atinics go off at 11pm my moonlights come on and dont go off until 11am. HTH
  4. usinkit

    am I ready for fishy's?

    Did you see a spike in the ammonia and nitrites? What did you use to start your cycle?
  5. usinkit

    Weekend Photo Feature:

  6. usinkit

    Please take note:

    I do agree with you NM if someone uses profanity or is just vulger they should be banned if thats possible to do. I do not think a thread in a off topic forum should be shut down just because people are chatting about off topic events. Does it cost the owner extra money for this forum?
  7. usinkit

    Please take note:

    Why would it matter if a thread in a off topic forum goes off topic? Thats what the forums for off topic. I can understand if profanity is being used then delete it, but if it goes off topic who cares.
  8. usinkit

    cauliflower colt having problems

    I moved it off the sandbed and put it up on the rocks so I can keep a better eye on it. I will watch for a few days and post any updates. Thanks
  9. usinkit

    cauliflower colt having problems

    I ve had for about 4 weeks. I havent seen anything bothering it. Just the blenny laying in it. My water parameters are: PH=8.2 Temp=80.8 calcium= 420 alk= 10.2dkh salanity= 1.026 am=0 nitrites=0 nitrates=0 phosphates=0
  10. usinkit

    cauliflower colt having problems

    Its been looking like crap for 1 week here are some before and after pitcures.
  11. usinkit

    cauliflower colt having problems

    Can someone tell me if its rotting away? Can iy be saved or should I pull it out. It was oozing some liquid slime from the open area in the picture.
  12. usinkit

    siliconeing a cracked heater

    For the price of a new heater I would just buy new.
  13. usinkit

    Cyno/Lights/Cleanup Crew

    The only suggestion I have is to try and boost your salanity up to 1.026. It seems like everything else you are doing is good. I always drip acclimate all my critters, but the way you are doing it seems fine. Dont know what else to say.
  14. usinkit


    I slide the emperror filters down my baffles once a month for a week in my sump for mechanical filtration. I have no sponges at all. I took out the sponge in the overflow. Just trying to eliminate all areas where food can get trapped.
  15. usinkit

    Cyno/Lights/Cleanup Crew

    Try to increase your flow. How are you acclimating your inverts? What is your salanity?
  16. usinkit

    what killed it???

    I dont know anything about stars. You may want to ask ophiura thats her thing.
  17. usinkit

    A few Pics just for fun

    You may be bored but those picture arent!!! great shots!!
  18. usinkit

    what killed it???

    Its the only critter that I see in your tank that is aggressive. It may also just died on its own and your clean up crew feasted on it.
  19. usinkit

    what killed it???

    My guess would be the coral banded shrimp.
  20. usinkit

    ophiura please read

    Why not just delete the pictures and not the rest of the thread.