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  1. jjgomillion

    Have you been...

    I am not really sure when they are open. Supposedly there is another aquarium on Tybee Island. I had a t-shirt with trigger Fish on it on when we went down to River St. and a lady stopped me and started talking to us about the aquarium. She said they were getting ready to install a 500 gal...
  2. jjgomillion


    I lost my clownfish today. :-( I am not sure what happened, he was fine this morning, but dead at 4:00. Al of my params check in fine. Its a mystery.
  3. jjgomillion

    Have you been...

    I was asking the later, and to inform you guys now. It is very small. Only Nine display tanks. Although there are some pretty cool fish, there was nothing spectacular. It was a good excuse to go to Downtown Savannah. Its beautiful there!
  4. jjgomillion

    Have you been...

    to the Unversity of Georgia Marine Education Center and Aquarium in Savannah?
  5. jjgomillion

    Can anyone ID?

  6. jjgomillion

    Can anyone ID?

    it really weird, one of the will open up and the other will close, they are fairly small and cam on my lr they are soft to the touch let me try another pic
  7. jjgomillion

    Please post pics. of carpets and other anenomes

    rotflmao...thats huge!!!!!! new at the dc thing!
  8. jjgomillion

    Can anyone ID?

    how about his one...
  9. jjgomillion

    Can anyone ID?

  10. jjgomillion

    Can anyone ID?

    lets try that again...
  11. jjgomillion

    Can anyone ID?

  12. jjgomillion


    I just got the Canon Power Shot A60 for my birthday. I like it so far. However I cannot seem to figure out why I sometimes get a clear macro shot and sometimes its all blurry. Probably user error. That review site said it was a pretty decent camera, anyone else have one?
  13. jjgomillion


  14. jjgomillion

    Could this be?

    yeah he has the sand his way alright. i htought spawning was only whwn you had 2. Can you explain?
  15. jjgomillion

    Could this be?

    My clown spends a lot of time in one spot on the sand. He wiggles all over it, looks like he is hosting to it. Is that even possible? I am confused. :rolleyes: :confused:
  16. jjgomillion

    Shark Eggs

    sorry about the link, wasn't aware. I would probably get one from somewhere local if I could. I have no experience but I would think that they would be very delicate shippers as far as temerature and light goes. But I could be wrong.
  17. jjgomillion


    hmmmmm..... at least it showed up that time
  18. jjgomillion


  19. jjgomillion


    here goes...