Search results

  1. swishy

    Sexy Anemone Shrimp

    I had a pair of them, in a 10gal with clowns and a large cleaner shrimp....for months they where fine but they recently disapeared, i am not sure what happend to them, I think the larger shrimp may have killed them You would have to be careful what othe stock you put with them....I think...
  2. swishy

    True Percula Clownfish

    I have a pair in a 10gal, they do great....They are even preparing a laying site I got one wild caught for $25 and then about a year later i got a really small tank raised one for $15....they paired up right is a little risky doing it that way, that they may not pair up. Here is a pick...
  3. swishy

    Help! Hair Alge!

    Thanks....I'll pick up a few tomarrow....what about a sea hare? i have heard they eat it. :happyfish
  4. swishy

    Help! Hair Alge!

    P.S my light is a Coralife 50/50 96 Watt And i just noticed a little patch of red slime alge!!
  5. swishy

    Help! Hair Alge!

    My phospahte leves are always at zero.... I only have a few hermits(they keep killing eachother), one turbo snail and a bunch of those little snails that go under the sand, forgot the name. It may be my lighs, the bulb is about 8 months old? is that too old? The tank is kind of near a windo, but...
  6. swishy

    Nano Pics!!

    Yep is a 6 line....I he has been fine for months but has become semi- agressive latly, I am going to trade him in or possibly wait untill i upgrade to a 15 gal this summer...I was using a friends camera, i couldnt figure out the flash...sadly I spend all my money on the fish and done have a...
  7. swishy

    Nano Pics!!

    Ooopse....I guess i did it wrong Well maybe it will work now,. i edited it :happyfish The pics show on my i have to host them somewhere for them to work on other computers?
  8. swishy

    Nano Pics!!

    Here are some pics of my 10gal Nano that I have manages to keep in my dorm room at college for a year now!! :happyfish
  9. swishy

    Nano Pics!!

    Here are some pics of my 10gal Nano that i have manages to keep in my dorm room at college for a year now!!
  10. swishy

    Anybody got a 15-20tall to sell?

    Im still looking!! Would really like a bigger tank soon., 6 line Wrasse is starting to become agressive, and i think he would be better in a bigger tank! :happyfish
  11. swishy

    Help! Hair Alge!

    Major hair alge outbreak!!! All levels are zero, have a phospate sponge media in filter, I have seemed to slow down the rate of growth but I cant seem to stop it...i pull loads of the rocks and out of my coals polups every week! I have been using STOP hair alge, it isnt helping much....any one...
  12. swishy

    cutest fish

    Ok my Roland and Issabel, Mated pair of Perc. Clowns are definatly the best fish ever!!! Roland i have had for two years, she(was a he untill i got another clown, then he morphed to a she) will splash water at you with her tail, and when i have my hand in the tank she will come lay on my fingers...
  13. swishy

    what other things besides an anemone do clowns like to host?

    well clowns ususally dont mind much about have a host....and if you dont have the lighting you probally cant keep the other things they pait likes a rock covered in blue mushrooms and pumping xenia....i have heard of them hosting fuzzy mushrooms, bubble corals and frogspawn as...
  14. swishy

    Anybody got a 15-20tall to sell?

    I am looking to upgrade my 10gal nano reef to a 15gal, 16 bow or maybe even a 20 tall....only thing is I need it to fit the light and stand I have i cant afford new major issue is it cant look much larger than a 10 because I have been moving my tank to and from college dorms...
  15. swishy

    How many fish???

    I have a pair of Percs a six line wrass and a bi-color blennie in my ten...the blennie is new, the other three i have had for a while. I do a water change once a week and watch the levels real close....I only had one of the percs for over 2 years, the other three came within this year....i am...
  16. swishy

    clowns won't go to the anemone....

    One of my clows i have had for three years, the other for 9 months....they jsut recently paired up and decided to host...they picked a nice rock with blue shrooms and pumping Xenia...some clowns like soft corals....i have heard of them liking fuzzy shrooms, mine prefered the regular ones. also i...
  17. swishy

    move the tank

    I have a 10gal Nano Reef that I move to and from college with me. Granted your tanks are all much larger so you'll have to make everything larger. I usually put the rocks into a cooler, many of them are covered in polyups and mushrooms so I have to place them carfully, sometimes using pieces of...
  18. swishy

    Unhappy giant green fussy mushroom!!!

    does anyone have a picture of a mushroom splitting? so i could compare and see if that is waht is happening? Thanks :happyfish
  19. swishy

    Unhappy giant green fussy mushroom!!!

    Ok, my nitrate and nitrite levels where a little high a day or so after it started it looked funny, i changed the water and it is back to normal. I think it may be splitting. i have had it for maybe 3 months, it was about 6 inches across, and today i can see the rock under it through the...
  20. swishy

    Unhappy giant green fussy mushroom!!!

    I have a 10 gal nano reef and my giant mushroom has been all shriveled and has a lot of white fleshy stuff showing in it's center. all my leves are good and i did a water change a day ago to see if it would respond but it has not. anybody have aclue to why it may be acting wired? Also anybod...