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  1. swishy

    Hair alge!!!

    I have a big hair alge problem I have used STOP alge, gotten giant turbo snails, hermits, and a sea hair....nothing is helping I am moving the tank next friday, so i figured i would scrub the rocks when i set the tank up again, but how can i do that without damaging them too much? also i have...
  2. swishy

    True Percula Clownfish

    Oh well....Shouldnt have listend to the LFS people....No big deal, i lovethe little guys no matter what they are....I was figureing that the black bands widend with age, then since one is over two years old and still no black bands i began to wonder. Besides Ocellaris are easyer to breed and...
  3. swishy

    Ocellaris or Percula

    I know what you mean....I tryed to be sure I was able to tell myself, but when they are little and in massive groups in the store it is so hard to tell... and the LFS people usually dont know what they are talking about, I have been sold star polup as xenia!!! they are nother alike! I just...
  4. swishy

    Ocellaris or Percula

    Looks kinda like a Ocellaris, since there are not dark bands aroudn the white...but then again those bands are small on young fish and widen with age, so it could be that it is just young. I have what i thought was a pair of percs. but i think i may actually be once of each. i bought htem...
  5. swishy

    True Percula Clownfish

    They were sold to me as perculas...the larger was a wild caught and the smaller was a tank raised...I actually think the tank raised very well is an ocellaris. I have done a lot or research and I am almost positive the larger darker one is a Perc. I have read of them cross breeding which...
  6. swishy

    Fresh laid eggs

    Very nice!!!! I think my perc clowns may be preparing to lay....they are obsessing over keeping a patch of rock by the shrooms they like clean and they are doing a lot of that shivering behavior...shound like it to you? Sadly i have to move the tank in two weeks and i am sure that will disrupt...
  7. swishy

    True Percula Clownfish

    Yep these two love eachother....they never leave eachothers side, they swim like this all day and sleep next to eachother, it is very cute....they are my babies! :happyfish I am pretty sure they are close to spawning, they obsses over keeping a patch of rock under the mushrroms they like clean...
  8. swishy

    Bicolor Blennie...Is it supposed to have stripes?

    Ok, I was worried it may be a stress thing, but after more careful observtion i saw that they showed up when he chared out of his den or when he is sitting in the open and hte other fish swim by....They do come and go really fast, it is pretty neat. :happyfish
  9. swishy

    Bicolor Blennie...Is it supposed to have stripes?

    I recently got a bicolor blennie, and well it has whiteish bluish stirps that show up every once and a while all down its body and patches show up on its cheeks....Is this an agressive signal, or a stress thing? or could it just mean it is a male? :happyfish :happyfish
  10. swishy

    sixline question

    I had a sixline fore 8 months, then he turend real agressive an was chasing my clowns, even made them give up thier host and nest spot. I have moved him out so hopefully the clowns will go back to thier routine soon.
  11. swishy

    Sixline Wrasse in a 10gal nano

    Thanks for all the ideas!! I like the court jester, the catelina gobies are beutiful, but i read they where cool water fish. never seen a Griessingei goby, I'll have to look it up. seems like basically any goby would be good. I do like watchmen but i have a bicolor blennie, wouldn't they fight...
  12. swishy


    I had a mandarin for about six months, he did eat some forzen foods but not enough to sustain him, I endded up giving him to someone who had a 180 gal tank because he was getting thin. I haev a 10 gal, with a pair of percula clowns and a bicolor blennie. the clowns are very nice, they have big...
  13. swishy

    Looking for 12-16gal Nano

    Hey im looking to upgrade my 10gal nano, give my fish some more space and make more room for new coral....anybody got anything to sell?? I am in burlington VT now at school, but I will be home, which is in Sandown NH, near Manchester, in a couple weeks. :happyfish
  14. swishy

    Sixline Wrasse in a 10gal nano

    thanks for the input....I just brought him in He was an awsome little fish, I would definatly get one if i ever get a bigger tank. I like clown gobies but i have heard they are a little sensative. I move my tank four times a year, to and from college so all my corals and fish have ot be really...
  15. swishy

    Sixline Wrasse in a 10gal nano

    I am doing so this afternoon....As usual the LFS people misinformed me...What might be a nice replacement for him? I could use some ideas. :happyfish
  16. swishy

    Sixline Wrasse in a 10gal nano

    I have had a sixline wrasse in my 10gal Nano for about 8/9 months now, he haw been great, got along well with my percs, they even slept together....but in the last few weeks he has become more and more agressive....Should I trade him in asapor hope the fish can deal with him for a few months...
  17. swishy

    12 gallon nano with stand for sale-will ship!!or pick up in mcdonough ga

    can the hood be removed and the light replaced with a coralife 24inch 50/50 96watt? I am looking to go a little larger, I have a 10gal nano, but i would want to use my light, since i have corals. does it come with any filtration?
  18. swishy

    Help! Hair Alge!

    Thanks....i gave up the chance to get one a month ago, I went for an orange eye urchin instead! BAD IDEA! the urchin didnt eat any alge and made it impossible forme to pull it out! It was painful! I ended up bringing it back, now the store doesnt have sea hares I'll keep an eye out though.
  19. swishy

    what's the 1st thing you wish you had known

    HUmm....I'll go with the classics RO water, live rock/sand and that you usually cant belive what the people at the lfs say, Mandarins can not be kept in a 10gal nano no matter what they say! But mostly I wish I knew that this was probally the worst hobby for a college student, it spends ever...
  20. swishy

    The Ultimate Nano

    Mine isn't that ultimate, but I do keep it in my dorm room and move it four times a year wich makes it a little bit ultimate! And I thought Nanos had to be under 20 gallon?!?! anyways I have a 10gal...It is still in progress, recently had a bit of a hair alge outbreak so it isnt too pretty...