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  1. quazi

    best way to catch a fish

    An other way to get a fish out of a reef tank is to try the "late night" approach." After the tank has been dark for an hour, use a flashlight and net to scoop up the sleeping fish. If it sleeps in the open, or in a place that you only need to move a couple of pieces of rock, this work very...
  2. quazi

    No sand or loads of sand?

    Check out this article by Julian Sprung: It is a great resource on the subject. Personally, my tank went from an OK reef to a "too much growth I have to cut my corals up and break them apart and give them away" reef. The only change I made...
  3. quazi

    Icecap 660 running NO bulbs

    I have mixed NO and VHO bulbs with my 430 with good results. Icecaps are great for their flexibility. I find that VHO bulbs still work best, but NOs are fine in a pinch, like when your VHO bulb needs to be changed, but you do not have a VHO bulb available (lack of planning:rolleyes: is my...
  4. quazi

    New to skimming

    I use mine during the day, when my lights are on. I do this, because the tank is in my bedroom, and it is too noisy with the pump and the skimmer making all that racket. As for leaving water in the skimmer, do not worry about it. The volume is too small to worry about, and I assume you will...
  5. quazi


    I agree, I have acropora growing well under 330 watts in a 55. 110 is not enough.
  6. quazi

    Icecap 660

    I have 330w on my 55. I have all the softies you mention. They did better when I increased my light from 220 to 330. They were really happy when I changed my bulbs after 9 months. They seem to thrive with lots of light. Also, some find their way to shadowy areas, and do OK. I use an icecap...
  7. quazi

    Ice Cap 660

    Just replace all the end caps. Make sure you get good end caps. The best ones are the 3 piece ones. Try if you cannot find another source (though lamps now is the best place to buy VHO bulbs and accessories ) :p
  8. quazi

    Brown Algae&CONFUSED!

    Watch out for distilled water. It is sometimes made with copper cooling tubes. If you have corals, you may kill them with distilled water. Just get an RO filter and be done with it. A cheap one can be had to under $100. It is a really good investment.
  9. quazi

    Do carbon filters work or waste of $$$$?

    Forget carbon. A bag of carbon can be used up in as little as three days depending on carbon type and tank bioload. Use a polyfilter. It shows when it is used up, changes colors based on what it is absorbing, and can be cleaned (by wringing it out) of gunk that can turn you filter pad (or bag...
  10. quazi

    RO/DI unit in the home

    Go with the most gpd you can afford. I bought a 100gpd up from a 20gpd, and what a difference! I can make top off water in under an hour. Also, making "water-change" water only takes a couple of hours, vs a day with the 20gpd. I bought a aquaFX barracuda (4 stage, RO/DI) for around $200...
  11. quazi

    Brown Algae&CONFUSED!

    Just get an RO/DI filter. It will save you a multitude of headaches later. I had problems with water quality for years. Once I bought an RO filter, everything in my tank improved. My tank has been setup for over 15 years now, and is running great. Just do it!