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  1. quazi

    periodically mechanical filtration for Berlin system.

    Me too :p My water is crystal clear with out any mech filtering. I lightly vacuum a little of my sand (actually I stir a small area up, and vacuum they cloud that arises.) I use polyfilters once a month for a day or 2 to ensure removal of "crud" (i.e., heavy metals, excess bioload, etc.) a...
  2. quazi

    What is this, aiptasia or what?

    I have these too. They are not aptasia. However, I do not know what they are. I have had them from over a year with no harmful effects. In fact, they are right near some SPS, and they do not seem to bother each other.
  3. quazi

    what will eat my tube worms and apastia

    Why are you trying to get rid of tube worms??:confused:
  4. quazi

    Boiling my LR

    DO NOT PUT COPPER IN A REEF TANK. That is a bad idea. There are other, less risky methods of ridding your tank of aptasia. I have found peppermint shrimp work, but may take a long time, depending on other things in the tank that they can eat. The concentrated kalk works very well. You may have...
  5. quazi

    Cyanobacteria - red to yellow?

    a college ( cannot remember the name of the college) had discovered that caulerpa was in fact a form of cyanobacteria and he also theorized that keeping caulerpa may affect the groth of cyanobacteria in the aquarium... Clearly, caulerpa is a maco algae, a simple plant, not a bacteria. This is...
  6. quazi

    Protein Skimmer

    A very small one! Try a HOT one like a CPR. It may be too much, though.
  7. quazi

    Problems with my tank

    Way too many fish for a 29. Or a 55 for that matter. Give away 2 tangs and follow jamesurq suggestions. IMMEDIATELY put in polyfilters and do a large water change (30%). DO NOT ADD BIO-BALLS. Start kalkwasser. It will help your ph and alk. Slowly get rid of the crushed coral and replace it...
  8. quazi


    I have 3 110 watt VHOs on my 55, and I can keep most anything, including various SPS. I have a friend that just setup a 75 gallon tank with 5 96watt PCs for a total of 480watts or 6.4watts per gallon. His tank is bright! But not quite as "pretty" as mine. His SPS, clams, etc. are growing...
  9. quazi

    New Lights for 4' Reef Tank

    check out the T5 bulbs you can get in the UK. Looks like lots of bang for the buck :D
  10. quazi

    T5 lights.

    After performing a "google" search, it looks like T5 is the "next big thing" :D in lighting. It is available in Canada now. I do not know why we are not seeing this in the US yet. Where did you get your T5s? Incidently, in 2-3 years LED lighting will be the NBT. Lots of output, little heat...
  11. quazi

    A loss on the reef...

    I believe I read that this is a type of "reproduction" cycle. The wellsophyllia will shrink, and rebound with several small wellsophyllia in its place. Monitor the wellsophyllia and if it just shrinks, it is going through this repro cycle. Obviously, if it just disintegrates, then get it out...
  12. quazi


    Why 24"? Your 55 can handle 48" tubes. I run 1 actinic and 2 50/50 URIs. It is too blue. I am about to change bulbs and will run all 3 50/50. I find the 50/50 URI to be the best all around bulb: bright with good over tones of blue. My 'shrooms , bubble coral, frogspawn and hammer are...
  13. quazi

    Any suggestions?

    start dripping kalk now. It will help on the CA and the alk levels and help percipitate phosphates. You do not have much light for the tank, but it is time for new bulbs, which you are on top of. Are you feeding the tank? With the low bio load, I hope you are not feeding much Also, the RO is...
  14. quazi

    calcium headache... too many products which to use...

    I use kalk at every water change and Tropic Marin Bio-Calcium for weekly addition to keep up with my LPS, SPS, algae, and leathers. I typically use 4 tsp a week of bio calcium. You will need to check your calcium level to determine your replenishment rate. Definately use kalk and vinegar. One...
  15. quazi

    Green Bubbles on Live Rock

    This stuff is valonia. Very bad stuff. I got it in my tank years ago, and cannot get rid of it. Emerald crabs and Desjardini tangs will eat it, but are more fond of other stuff. Fish Safari is in VA Beach, and is a very god LFS. A little expesive, but the owner is great and the staff pretty...
  16. quazi


    If you need to use carbon, use PolyFilter instead. It is more efficient, changes color as it absorbs bad things, the color it changes to indicates what kind of bad things it absorbs (i.e., copper=green) and can be used in pieces. Only use Polyfilters or carbon as needed. I only use it when I...
  17. quazi

    Glue for Corals ????

    Super glues works fine in water, fresh or salt
  18. quazi

    Calcium Question

    1) doesn't the load (inhabitants using up the Calcium) also play a part tho? A) Yes, of course! That is why kalk is a maintenance solution. Your current level @ 320 is not a maintenance issue, it is a restorative issue. 2)Besides coraline algae - what else is really using the Ca in my tank...
  19. quazi

    Calcium Question

    Sgt York, You are adding CA, just not enough to raise level significantly. If you were not adding Ca, it would not REPLACE Ca. If you tank is @ 320, you need to add some significant Ca to your tank. Kalk is not enough. I add Ca every week, over and above the kalk I drip in with every...
  20. quazi

    Calcium Question

    From another thread: Dissolving the Kalk powder in the Vinegar first will accomplish several very good things. - First, it will get more Calcium ions (Ca++) into the solution because you are dissolving the Ca(OH)2 in an acid instead of water, and forming Calcium Acetate, which exists as a...