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  1. quazi

    Keeping more than one tang?

    I have a hippo and a desjardini sailfin in my 55. They have been there for over 3 years, without getting too big. Maybe I don't feed them enough :confused: but they are happy and ich free. see them here
  2. quazi

    Emergency help

    Your calupera went sexual. This is why you leave the light on 24/7. Hope you have some polyfilters around. Use charcoal, or whatever you have. I agree with Beth, large water change and filters. Good luck!
  3. quazi

    Losing Fish (as we speak)- HELP

    Not to change the topic or anything, but back to chercik's issues: If I create a asump underneath with live rock only do I need a light under the tank on If you want to add LR in the sump, I would not bother lighting it. My sump is not lit, and I have a lot of sponges and other critters in...
  4. quazi

    Losing Fish (as we speak)- HELP

    There is little benefit to a 10% water change. Change 30% if you must. Good carbon or polyfilter will have a very good effect. Again, do not go wet/dry. You are inviting more problems down the road.
  5. quazi

    Blue coral

    If it is happy, it will take hold and multiply. If it is unhappy, it will not. I have given mushrooms to experienced reefer with great tanks, and they are not as happy as they were in my tank. So, you really never know how it will go. Other tank mates have an influence.
  6. quazi

    Losing Fish (as we speak)- HELP

    Did you just replace one with the other???:eek: :confused: That was a bad idea. You should have run both for a week, then taken down your magnum. Any ammonia in a reef tank is alarming! It means the entire nitrogen cycle has broken down, and has to re-start. This is why you have lost fish...
  7. quazi

    Algea Problem...please help

    If it is cyno (which it sounds like) then light is not the issue, nutrients are. Get a skimmer ASAP. Also, run polyfilters for a week or so. Siphon out the cyno with an airline tube (because you will be siphoning for a while.) Do you have any fish eat the algae when you scrub it off? If so...
  8. quazi

    Reef Jump start

    Does this guy want to sell you used water:confused: :eek: If so, do not go for it. You need "seed" sand and live rock, but old water - no. Make up your own fresh water. DO use RO/DI water to make up your salt water. Buy it if you need to, but if you are serious about reef keeping, buy one -...
  9. quazi

    DSB & Plenum Debate

    Julian Sprung sez - plenum! That is good enough for me (even if I do not have one :p ) Here is the articel in advanced reef keeping
  10. quazi

    NE 1 ever use those coral stimulants, and accelerators, such, like Black Powder???

    They are money wasters and crap. :mad: 100% un-necessary. Practice good husbandry, spend your money on good lighting, skimmers, LS, LR, wholesome food. Forget this junk!
  11. quazi

    Would this work for Substrate??????

    They have a habit of leaching lead into your system, if the ph get low and the shell disolves. Add to this that the pieces are not small enough, nor rounded, and it adds up to a very bad idea. Corals and fish are expensive.:eek: Buy some sand, d@mnit! :rolleyes:
  12. quazi

    promoting mushroom growth

    everyt time I trim back my 'shrooms from my SPS, they re-generate and the "trash" makes new 'shrooms. I quit using iodine so they will calm down. Beware, they can be come weeds :eek:
  13. quazi

    Refugium VS Wet Dry?

    what else is in the tank? LR, DSB, any corals? In general, I would get rid of the wet/dry filter if you have other filtation mechanisms. What is the airstone about?:confused: You will need to add some light and macro algae. Or you can have a dark "sump fuge", which I have. Some calmer...
  14. quazi

    Cleaning Copper out of a tank... HELP

    Polyfilter is the way to go with this. It does a great job of absoribing coppper.
  15. quazi

    Black Molly question

    Males have a gonopodium. If you have a daughter, you either have the human equivilent or are well acquainted with it ;) It is right next to the anal fin, of course!:D Good luck with the mollies!
  16. quazi

    Red Slime Algae

    Doing a water change may do no good at all if the make up water is full of phosphates. I would not cut back on light. Light is not the problem, the water quality is the problem. I would but an RO/DI on credit and then change the water. Most certainly that will be a big help. Also, get some...
  17. quazi

    Coral Placement

    Gluing mushrooms is an exercise in futility. Use a rubber band or wedge them in a rock crevice. they will attach quickly in most tank environments.
  18. quazi

    Prices for T5 Lighting

    I cannot find anyone in the US selling T-5s. Too bad :(
  19. quazi

    couple of questions about my fish list

    Where are you getting a blue jaw for $40? That is a great deal. They are jumpers. If your top is open, they will jump out. They are very cool, though.
  20. quazi

    Metallic Green Star Polps won't open

    Mine only come out a little, but grow and spread nicely. I gave some to a friend of mine, and once in his tank, the GSP "bloomed" and are darker green, larger polyps, and growing well. Different water environments (i.e., chemical parameters and livestock) will product different results. You...