Since I am one of the people recommending Kalk, I will reply!
The system is still used and highly recommended. It has made a huge difference in my tank. It is cheap (which is why your LFS may not recommend it :rolleyes: ) it is easy (I use a 2.5 gallon water jug with built in spigot - cheap...
SIF, I object to your contention that Xenia can become a weed in anyone's tank. I cannot grow it due to chemical warfare from one of my tank's inhabitances (probably a sacrophyton, but I am not sure.)
St. York, I have had LPS recede and come back. Frankly, if you treat corals right, they...
I got rid of my hermits. They tend to knock over corals, particularly frags. I find snails, worms, shrimp and stars work as well, and do not knock so many small rocks and frags around.
These are easy. They do not need to be fed anything special. Polyp size depends on many factors. My GSPs are small, but people I give frags to have luxuriant growth with big polyp sizes. Depends on water quality and what else is in the tank chemically and physically attacking it:p
I am confused. Are you moving a fully functioning 300 gallon tank to your house from the store or what? I little more information would be helpful
Can you setup a holding tank near where you are setting up the 300? Perhaps a sump or refugium? If so, move as much stuff there as possible...
My bubble coral is big then small and big again. It has been going strong for 5 years. The only problem I have is it takes up too much space in the middle of my 55 :D This is a good problem to have.
I wish there was a way to frag it or make it split. I would love to have a smaller version...
My anthelia and mushrooms are like noxious weeds. They sting and crowd out my brain coral, SPS, and others. I have to exterminate them like vermon (or aptasia!) with Kalk paste, cutting and scrubbing. I cannot grow Xenia (even though my understanding of anthelia is that it is a kind if...
I agree with BigMac w/water quality, a RO/DI filter is the best piece of equipment you can buy.
Another piece of vital equipment is polyfilters. If the water quality goes south for what ever reason, polyfilters are the first line of defense.
Do you hear clicking noises, particularly at night? If so, congratulations! You have a mantis shrimp.
You can buy manits shrimp traps. Good luck on getting them out. When/if you do get him trapped- flush him, or give him to someone that wants him. There are such people:rolleyes:
Get more light! For goodness sake, it will make a huge amount of difference to your tank.
Flora are plants. You can get caluperpa (sp?) and other algaes which should work with low light, if there is some sun light reaching your tank. Your fish will love it.
Mushrooms are critters, as are...
Are you sure the rock is reef safe? I have used base, live and cellpore (which now that kent marine has it, is no longer available for live rock substitute.) I would be very careful about adding anything I was unsure of. You do not want anything leaching into your tank from some cheap rock...
I have frogspawn and branching hammer. Sometimes they just close up. If one is closing up, and the others are OK, I would not worry too much. If they all close up for more than 2 hours, worry! Check your pH, etc. Keep polyfilters available at all times. They cure a plethera of ills.
You need to provide a whole lot more info. Describe your tank, nitrates, nitrites, ph, lighting, critters, fish, etc.
Since your tank is pretty new, my guess is that this is cynobacteria. Is the "algae" bright green, red, filamentis, whatever.
I use Tahitian Blend Algae Paste, Boyds vitachem, and golden pearls.
Check out:
for the tahitian blend and the golden pearls. According to Boreman, feeding is just as important as light!
a 75 gallon tank needs at least 440 watts of light if you want to grow sps, lps and most softies.
There are strips/hoods out there that will get you there, although they are expensive. That is why most people build their own hoods, and add a retro-fit PC or VHO, or MH.
check out...