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  1. quazi

    Help deciding item's for U-build

    jamesurq, I am sorry I agreed with you? I am not sure what you are taking offense at. I humbly apologize :eek: On the issue of kalk, once again jamesurq and I agree. Buy pickling lime, much cheaper and made for consumption standards, if that really matters. DO read up on kalk before using...
  2. quazi

    Help deciding item's for U-build

    Ditto jamesurq. :o Skip the sponges ( they are tough to keep alive, very challeging) and the Nudibranch. Why are you look at the Nudibranch and the Lawnmower Blenny? Are you having a algae problem? Also, his suggestion of kalk is right on target. It will help precipitate phosphate, too...
  3. quazi

    frogspawn, mushrooms, and buttons not doing well

    No one is concerned that the pH is only 8.0? While we do not know when the pH was read, I assume that it was read when the lights were on, i.e. not at night. This is a little low and may be a sign of what is going on with the tank. I bet this tank has high nitrates, low Alk, and consequently...
  4. quazi

    movin:rubbermaid tubs safe??

    I would think that they are OK. But no real idea :rolleyes: However, make sure your tank is cleared of most of the rocks and sand. I have been in 2 bad tank moves made by people that did not want to completely clean out their tanks. One glass, one acrylic. Both moves were disasters caused...
  5. quazi

    Lighting for my 29G

    DvSKiN, you are correct for normal 96 watt PCs. However, there are "quad" 96 watts available that are only 16 3/4" long. They can be bought at place that sound like a web site full of friendly light bulbs ;) :p . e-mail me if you need a better URL for them :D
  6. quazi

    Lighting for my 29G

    I would probably go with 2 96 watt PCs. That should provide plenty of light for almost anything.
  7. quazi

    Very little corals on

    It's cold outside and losses can get real high this time of year. Most places don't ship this time of year. It will pickup in late Feb/March.
  8. quazi

    What to do with my new Live Rock?

    Sounds like you are currently doing the right thing buy keeping them in a separate tub. Monitor the nitrogen cycle. Once it is stable, put them in your tank! Oh, you might want to add a skimmer to the tub, if you can.
  9. quazi

    Goog or bad for reef tank

    I'd say goog!:eek:
  10. quazi

    Frogspawn Reproducing???

    This is reproductive behavior. The "droppings" rarely seem to take hold, however, though I have had one take hold and grow on the rock below my frogspawn. Luckly, it hit a small rock, and I was able to move it into the light. In general, I just snap off branches and set them up elsewhere to get...
  11. quazi


    BM, Not sure what you mean by "nothing to do with top off"? I top off my evaporated water this way, and have been doing this for months. The vinegar allows the kalk to mix immediately and will not react with O2 and CO2. Anyway, it works for me. I would love to have a Neilsen reactor, but my...
  12. quazi


    I mix 2 teaspoons of kalk up with a tablespoon of vinegar first (in a dixie cup!), then dump that into my 2.5 gallon water jug (the kind that grocery stores sell full of drinking water, with a spigot.) I start dripping immediately. Makes life a lot easier. From this link: Dissolving the Kalk...
  13. quazi

    HW salt.

    I used it once. It was on sale and worked great. I find that salt is salt. I buy what is on sale when I need salt. Incidently, Tropic Marin salt tends to be cheap and does not bind up into a solid salt rock easily. FWIW:cool:
  14. quazi

    something hatched off my lr

    Can you try this again in english?
  15. quazi

    PICS OF HAMMAR CORAL (Euphyllia Ancora)

    cmack, I would go with a branching type hammer. The regular hammers are much harder to keep. I have had both, and the branching hammer is still with me. I was told by the LFS I got it from that if anythign happens to one head, just snap it off, and the others will be fine. It has never come...
  16. quazi

    Is this frogspawn healthy?

    Glad to hear they are taking care of you. More MOFS should be so generous. Also, if your tank can take it, let it alone and if it dies, let it be "live rock." You can use it as a base to glue frags on. Incidently, Instead of using scissors to cut these types of coral for fragging, just "snap"...
  17. quazi

    lighting Reef Tank

    I run my 330 watts of 50/50 VHOs over my 55 gallon tank for 13 hours a day. I have very happy inhabitants. If you have your light on a timer, your corals will start to close up before your lights go out, as they are expecting the cycle.:p
  18. quazi

    What's the BEST salt available?

    I have used a lot of different salts in my 15 years as a saltwater hobbyist. IO worked OK, then I went to reef crysals, then to Coral Life, Kent, and now Tropic Marin. They have all work well. I bought the TM because it was cheap. However, it mixes better than anything else I have used...
  19. quazi

    help with coral

    Step one: admit the problem: Too much time obsessing over xenia. Step two: Testify. Let others know about your problem and deal with the shame Step three: Deal with the heaping abuse by people that feel xenia is a weed and anyone can keep xenia. Step four: Question your manhood. Remember...
  20. quazi

    help with coral

    Some people with great tanks cannot keep Xenia. I am one of them. I put in Xenia and they do great for 2 days, then stop pulsing, then slowly shrivel and disappear after 3 or so months. I am looking for a 12 step program for people who want to keep xenia, but just can't. :p My tank is awesome...