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  1. thresher9

    tank cycling

    I didn't let the rock dry out... I put my old tank in the yard. The rock I kept in a big tote of the old tank water with some power heads and my shrimp! Now the rock is in the new tank all setup nicely. :) My fish weren't doing so hot so I went ahead and put them in the tank. I tested the water...
  2. thresher9

    tank cycling

    So my new tank if finally setup. Now for the cycling... how long will it take for the tank to cycle? Can I put animals in the new tank? All the live rock in this tank came from my old tank thats now sitting in the backyard :) The ammonia is at .5 ppm right now and nitrates 10 ppm everything else...
  3. thresher9

    White puffballs

    Wonderful, thanks!
  4. thresher9

    White puffballs

    I'm rearranging my rock and on the underside of quite a few of them are these little white puffballs. They have holes and look porous almost like sponge. They only grow on the underside of the rocks, wherever it's dark I guess. I found some on the underside of my pump too. I think they're on the...
  5. thresher9

    New tank, several problems

    I got the water level to go down in the skimmer and got new sand! Everythings getting done slowly but surely. I just hope my fish will be ok in my old sump for a while longer and my crabs, snails, and shrimp in their buckets. Thanks everyone for answering!
  6. thresher9

    New tank, several problems

    The skimmer is sitting next to the sump on some pieces of wood well above the water line that the pump is in and the intake knob is turned all the way down, but the water line is halfway up the tube in the collection cup. I think it spilt over once because the third time I checked it, it was...
  7. thresher9

    New tank, several problems

    thanks I'll have to get some insulation! Anybody know how to lower the water level in a protein skimmer? Mines to high and I can't really lower the water level in my sump without taking it all apart and starting over.
  8. thresher9

    New tank, several problems

    i think I'm just going to get different sand. I read a few other post by people with the fine sand and problems come up later because they got fish that liked to dig in the sand and I've already have a clown that likes to dig up sand from time to time.
  9. thresher9

    New tank, several problems

    Finished setting up my new tank and it's really cloudy and milk-like. I waited all night and still cloudy. The fish store I got the sand from only had one kind, crushed coral, but it is pretty fine. It might be the problem but I had no flow in the tank for half a day and still cloudy. Wouldn't...
  10. thresher9

    PLEASE HELP! snail wont budge

    Yes, got him off!
  11. thresher9

    PLEASE HELP! snail wont budge

    I'm switching tanks and am at a stand still because my elephant snail wont come off the wall! He a slippery little bugger and it stuck good on the glass wall. Any ideas for getting him off without hurting him? I've tried to poke him onto a rock and have tried to pull him off.
  12. thresher9

    new or old water?

    No, I got all new sand. So I guess I'll put water as much water as I can in the tote before moving the rocks around. But putting the rock in the new water without acclamation wont kill anything right?
  13. thresher9

    new or old water?

    I'm switching tanks today and just thought of something. Is it possible to shock live rock? Should I put my live rock in old tank water or use new water? Eventually it's going in the new water, but can i just use my old water for now since it take a really long time to make water.
  14. thresher9

    tank switch

    I'll get new sand :) Will all the fish and coral be fine for 10ish days in the little tanks? I forgot... I also have a coral banned shrimp and he's huge. The biggest thing in my tank. Where should he go? In a bucket or with the fishies? My tang is about 4 and a half inches and I've had him for...
  15. thresher9

    tank switch

    Ummm I'm going to make a new sump and am getting all new equipment for the most part. Why should I get new sand? The new tank is going where the old one is so I have to drain the old one to move it (It's very heavy :D). I have no other place to put it. Also I have a yellow tang and he seems fine...
  16. thresher9

    tank switch

    I'm getting a new tank whoo hoo! The only thing is I'm not sure if I can just take everything from one tank and plop them into the new. Do I need to cycle the new setup or not? Since the new tank is a smaller one I'm getting a new pump and building new sump that can fit under the tank. Also...
  17. thresher9

    old dried on coralline algae

    I did soak paper towels in vinegar and stuck them to the sides and put plastic wrap over that and filled the bottom of the tank with about 2 inches of water/vinegar mix. I let that sit for a day, but the nothing budged. I'll try stronger vinegar and let it sit for two days this time. Thanks!
  18. thresher9

    old dried on coralline algae

    I bought a used tank since it was so much cheaper, but the previous owner left coralline algae all over the tank's walls. They said it sat in storage for a few years and now that I cleaned it found out that some of the algae just will not come off. I've scrubbed, used a glass scrapper, and tried...
  19. thresher9

    tank drilling/overflow

    Well I've look around a lot and there doesn't seem to be many pre drilled tanks. So, looks like i'm doing it myself! With the bottom being drilled, I've read that the bottom glass will break easy. But is it better to have the hole on the bottom or near the top?
  20. thresher9

    tank drilling/overflow

    I'm getting a new tank and not sure which will be better, an overflow box, pvc overflow, or drilling holes. So many choices! And for drilling holes, how many holes would I drill, how big, where on the tank to drill them. I know you can have them on the bottom or at the top water level, but I'm...