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  1. ctgretzky9

    Tropic Marin sucks

    Originally Posted by PhoenixFla Hope Bob Fenner does not mind if I steal from his website a little. Which salt? What are your thoughts on Aqua Craft's Marine Environment Dual Phase salt? What about this S-15 report that is being used to compare salts? Is there much validity to this or is...
  2. ctgretzky9


    Originally Posted by angelspot I was wrong in feeding my tank I was trying to feed sun polyps and over fed the tank that is why my trates are so high. Never had the problem until I tryed to feed my sun polyps. That is one definite factor...what about the other q's I posed? Filtration...
  3. ctgretzky9


    Originally Posted by angelspot my nitrates are still around 20 can I do another water change tomorrow? Depends. A water change cant hurt, but if you havent addressed the issues I put forth, and help diagnose, all the water changes in the world aren't going to combat high nitrates if you dont...
  4. ctgretzky9

    How do you track livestock you have ?

    Originally Posted by Scoto Well my tank is new, so I thought it would be kinda neat to have something to track exactly what goes in it, and the names of coral and such before it gets out of hand...heh Got ya! I did that for a while..the only thing I keep track of, somewhat now, is the...
  5. ctgretzky9

    How do you track livestock you have ?

    I just check for the fish I have, the one CBS, the 1 anemone, the 2 brittles, the one orange linkia. Other than that, no way in the universe to count how many snails, hermits etc in my tank. Too much rockwork to hide in. As long as my major players are there, and coral I can see looks good, and...
  6. ctgretzky9

    Tropic Marin sucks

    Originally Posted by PhoenixFla What do you base this claim on? Years of seeing the test results that the manufacturers themselves post...for example, IO's product testing is below, feel free to research the rest on your own
  7. ctgretzky9

    Tropic Marin sucks

    All salt mixes are great, and all of them suck. You MUST test each and every new batch of mix up water for any salt brand you get. NO SALT is consitent at all, and can vary widely from batch to batch. This is one of the most overlooked aspects of reefkeeping! People put too much trust that their...
  8. ctgretzky9

    Lacrosse Anyone?

    Originally Posted by Jacklax Never hurts to's a small world. Those brine arm pads are classics! I've gone through numerous pairs...hating it when they fell apart. Unfortunately can't find the old ones anymore. The new helmets are great...much cooler (better ventalation), better...
  9. ctgretzky9

    Lacrosse Anyone?

    Originally Posted by Jacklax ct...Do you know Jeff Rant, Joel Peck, Coutney Wilson, Peter Varone? They are all guys I've known from the island. Also...regarding the equipment these days...things have changed a lot! Sticks are all bent and off-set...titanium poles...the old helmets are gone...
  10. ctgretzky9

    Lacrosse Anyone?

    lax is awesome. I played in HS, and at southampton college, LI. It is super popular on Long island. A lot of the ice hockey players did it as the playmaking is similar, and it keeps you in good shape. I dont know what new sticks are out, I still have an stx and a brine from 15 years ago! lol...
  11. ctgretzky9

    Feeding frozen foods

    Originally Posted by sufunk sorry for the hijack but CT I have been adding baking soda I didnt empty the penguin( i dont know why im hesitating?) tops open the aqua c is up and running nicely calcium has dropped a little( to 440-460) and alk/dkh raised a little(dont have the numbers here at work...
  12. ctgretzky9

    Feeding frozen foods

    Originally Posted by sufunk Cool, im gonna try leaving it and see if anything good/bad happens. p.s.- my dang ph is still holdind steady at 7.8 Saves time! lol. In your case, however, witht he pH "problems" you have, you may want to rinse until you get pH under control, then just dump cubes...
  13. ctgretzky9

    Feeding frozen foods

    Originally Posted by sufunk Never heard that before about the excess "crud" being benificial, Ctgretzky. Should i not wash that off then and leave it for the corals? I leave it now, and I really havent noticed a difference either way with leaving solid cubes or rinsing, I have done both...
  14. ctgretzky9


    There are many contributing factors that will increase nitrates. What filtration are you using? What is your bio-load? How much food are you giving them? The replacement water for both top off and salt water...what are the trates in them, and have you tested them? Do you have a protein skimmer...
  15. ctgretzky9

    My Tanks Hot

    Actually, 80 is perfectly fine. Most reefers I know keep the tank at 80-81, myself included.
  16. ctgretzky9

    Feeding frozen foods

    It doesnt matter one bit how you add the frozen food. I have both dropped the cubes directly into the tank to fall apart, and I have other times dropped them in a cup of water i scooped fromt the tank. No difference at all in nitrates or anything. What makes the difference is if you decide you...
  17. ctgretzky9

    Synthetic Salts. . . (no fighting please)

    Originally Posted by tmcelveen Can someone help me out and give me a comparison of the major salt brands out there. I happened upon a thread where someone said Oceanic was highest in Calcium levels and I tested it and sure enough it was right around 500, which is too much for my tank right now...
  18. ctgretzky9

    heat is comming at us fast/ need idea's please

    Originally Posted by WeaponUSMC its starting to warm up around here and my tank temp goes from 78 in the mornings and up to 82 or even tad higher. I have a fan blowing on my tank 24/7 to help speed up evaporation. Can any of you give me further guidance in the form of tips or tricks to keep...
  19. ctgretzky9

    too much water movement?

    Originally Posted by marinenut wow, I didn't think that it might be too low! My return is a mag drive 7 at 700gph, and the Rio 600. I'm not having any problems right now. I can't imagine running double the water flow in this 90! It seems like the corals would just blow right over, and the...
  20. ctgretzky9

    Type of Hydrometer poll

    Originally Posted by Saltydog I had my Deep Six tested last night. It read 1.025 with my tank water....1.031 with LFS refaractometer....I couldn't believe it. -Salty You will find, though, most hydros are pretty consitent. You can still use the hydro, when you measure your tank water at 1.019...