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  1. ctgretzky9

    Ph Drop??

    Originally Posted by trimmer156 any takers? would massive overfeedin gof mysis cause ph to drop??? i think i have been overfeeding and have compensated, but maybe it was waayyyyy to much Absolutely, overfeeding will cause the pH to drop.
  2. ctgretzky9

    Ph Drop??

    Originally Posted by trimmer156 i haven't been adding calcium as i thought my cal was high and i don't have any corals yet anyways, still waiting to buy lighting and get trates to zero before adding corals -- it is a fowlr right now Your calcium is high, let it drop...thats fine not to add...
  3. ctgretzky9

    Ph Drop??

    Originally Posted by trimmer156 i have quite a bit of surface aggition, though i don't know if it is enough, 2 outlets from hood and powerhead all making ripples. As for water changes i do 15% every week using premixed ro water from lfs. No i haven't tested the ro water. I assumed it would...
  4. ctgretzky9

    Ph Drop??

    Originally Posted by ophiura Also, what is the circulation in the tank? Do you have good surface aggitation? Do you have glass tops? If you take about a gallon of water out, aerate it overnight, and retest the pH...that may help determine whether circulation is an issue. Good point on the...
  5. ctgretzky9

    Tank Temperature

    Originally Posted by TangMan99 My 90 Gallon Reef tanks seems to stay between 82 and 83 degrees. This seem too high for me. I only have mushrooms and a devils hand and they seem to do ok, but I want to go to SPS and clams when I get my MH installed which is not going to help. I don't think my...
  6. ctgretzky9

    Ph Drop??

    Originally Posted by trimmer156 If I'm Dosing With Kent Super Buffer Dkh And My Ph Is Steady At 7.8. Not Increasing, Should I Also Dose A Ph Buffer Such As Coral Bulder. My Alkaliniity Is Also Steady Around 2.2 (i Think) Will Not Go Up Either Sg 1.026 Trates 10 Ppm - Waiting For Macro To...
  7. ctgretzky9

    PLEASE HELP - Fish keep dying

    Originally Posted by KhanhtactM Wow thanks for all the great input guys! When I tested the water parameters and brought a sample out to a specialty fish store, my numbers came in at... Ammonia - close to 0 Nitrate - close to 0 Nitrite - .3 pH - 8.2 SG - 1.024 Temperature - 78 degrees I do a 20%...
  8. ctgretzky9

    High Alk Help

    Originally Posted by xrobbx03 ahh id say 24hrs at the most...some times i just get that pre mixed saltwater at my lfs and put that in there...i checked the levels of the alk of that water and it was 12.5 dKH and 4.46 meq/L.. is that high also 4.46 isnt crazy. I wouldnt think anything would be...
  9. ctgretzky9

    nitrates higher than my roof

    Originally Posted by heddy thanks everyone for the input! i have been changing the water every other day and am down to 20. as far as just disconnecting the cannister filter... if i understand correctly, you all just use a protein skimmer? and powerheads? what is floss? is that the top white...
  10. ctgretzky9

    High Alk Help

    Originally Posted by xrobbx03 no i dont dose my tank with anything. I'll ask again, are you circulating and aerating your mix out water for 24 hrs. +?
  11. ctgretzky9


    steady 80-81 all year. In the summer, I use a small clip on fan to blow across the water. Evaporative cooling works great. You just have to watch the top off water.
  12. ctgretzky9

    PLEASE HELP - Fish keep dying

    You should post your parameters...and what exactly was tested for. Alkalinity, pH, calcium...trates, trites and ammonia...your sg or salinity etc... You added WAY too many fish at once, like beyond even what I thought was too many fish. It is a shock to the tanks water chemistry, oxygen and co2...
  13. ctgretzky9

    High Alk Help

    Agreed...what are calcium and pH readings, and if you have it, magnesium. are you using a buffer to raise pH? Are you mixing your change out water for minimum 24 hrs? High alk bothers coral, and effects the respiration of fish. But I have seen worse than your levels. Best to do a proper water...
  14. ctgretzky9

    filter question??

    Originally Posted by trimmer156 i have chosen a aqua c remora skimmer - i have currently 30lbs lr, going to 60lbs soon. i thought i would always need a filter though?? i have been thinking about using an old whisper as a fuge??? so with 60lbs lr and skimmer and fuge, i wouldn't need any...
  15. ctgretzky9


    Originally Posted by Greg803 I hear alot about over feeding. So what is to much? how often and how much do you feed? what are the water readings suppose to be? what is the highest they can be ? Listing your marine life and specs on the tank would help a one can answer this for you at...
  16. ctgretzky9

    filter question??

    Originally Posted by trimmer156 i eventually want to keep corals, still working on lighting for my 37 show tank.. Here's the question, if you had a tank that was not drilled and not in a good spot for an over flow, would you go canister filter, or hob filter, if so which one? Also, will this...
  17. ctgretzky9

    okay im done you wont belive y

    Originally Posted by rainstate6 okay so heres what happened my wife and i decided to run to mcdonalds for dinner and pick up some food and we left our 13 year old son home to keep a quick eye on our 3 year old daughter we go and come back and hes nowhere to be seen turns out he decided to take a...
  18. ctgretzky9

    Hola, I'm new!

    Originally Posted by alyssia Welcome! I have a 20 gallon seahorse tank also. I have kudas. What kind of horses are yours? Duh! She said they were SEA kidding.
  19. ctgretzky9

    best glue for corals

    Originally Posted by rusting Can you get holdfast at Homedepot or Lowe's No, or most likely not. Most LFS will carry it. Both places I frequent carry it. Other than that, it is available online on many reef-related websites.
  20. ctgretzky9

    best glue for corals

    Holdfast, imo, works better than anything else for frags, rockscaping etc. Especially since you dont have to remove anything from the tank, and you can work with it underwater.... "Build a cascading waterfall, construct an underwater landscape with live rock and coral, create steps, caves...