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  1. lietz06

    My Fish List

    I bought a spotted sweetlips about a year ago before I had read about them. Kinda got talked into it by a LFS. Once I got home and looked them up they are considered 'difficut' to keep. Need a tank of like 200 gallons. Are very hard to keep in capitvity...not to mention how uncute they are once...
  2. lietz06

    My Fish List

    Originally Posted by browniebuck no matter how many books he could you stay mad at a face like this one? What a cutie!! He almost looks like a stuffed animal:)
  3. lietz06

    New Stuff!! Tell Me What You Think!!

    Lovin the new stuff!
  4. lietz06

    ? about manderins

    I was wondering if you can house different types of manderin's together like a spotted and a green one?
  5. lietz06

    2 male bluethroat triggers?

  6. lietz06

    Yellow Tang

    I would say for the most part...except other fish of it's hte purple tang. Or maybe other fish yellow. I have a yellow and he's gets a long with everyone...2 different tangs, hawkfish, 2 clowns, & a midas. I see yellows in community tanks as well as aggresive tanks.
  7. lietz06

    poor firefish

    Well I'm sorry to hear about your firefish:( It might have been caused by you stiring stuff up in your tank while using the toothbrush! Hopefully someone else can chime in...but that's what I'd guess....or it was the temp drop, lol!
  8. lietz06

    Erica's 55gal reef journey

    Looks great! Love the aquascaping....maybe add a couple more rocks on the left side...but it looks awesome! what kind of brain is that?
  9. lietz06

    clam groeth whoooo!!!

    Looks good:)
  10. lietz06

    odds and ends.. a few corals....

    the sailfin is a looker:)
  11. lietz06

    a few more shots of my white moray

    Looks....creeepy, lol! But good creepy:)
  12. lietz06


    [hr] ...I have been contemplating add either a bluejaw pair or a male bluejaw and a pinktail to my 200 mixed reef. I was wondering for those of you that have either of these fish what do you have them housed with as far as fish go? Do you think the triggers would be too aggresive for a hawkfish...
  13. lietz06

    Pinktail & Bluejaw triggers...

    ...I have been contemplating add either a bluejaw pair or a male bluejaw and a pinktail to my 200 mixed reef. I was wondering for those of you that have either of these fish what do you have them housed with as far as fish go? Do you think the triggers would be too aggresive for a hawkfish, 2...
  14. lietz06

    purple carpet anemone... what the f???????

    Looks good When I first put my anemone in it was all puffy like that too, so it'll probably smooth out a lil once it settles in.
  15. lietz06

    2 male bluethroat triggers?

    Alright, thanks so much:) does it matter if i add them at the same time? also...should i add them last since triggers are a lil more aggresive?
  16. lietz06

    Which blocks the light more?

    I have t-5's 12 bulbs I think.
  17. lietz06

    purple carpet anemone... what the f???????

    Post a pic of your anemone-I'd love to see a purple carpet! Here's a pic of my green carpet anemone from a couple of months ago. The other clown is on the underside of it rubbing away, lol!
  18. lietz06

    purple carpet anemone... what the f???????

    When I feed my carpet we just put it down by it til it grabs'll put it in its mouth. I can't get too close to it actually bc the clown are VERY territorial and bite me...mean lil b@$tards, lol! So if I were you I wouldn't be too worried about sticking it right in it's mouth...but thats...
  19. lietz06

    Which blocks the light more?

    I need to cover my tank bc I have a midas blenny and don't want him to be a carpet muncher so...does eggcrate or netting block the light more? Thanks:)
  20. lietz06

    2 male bluethroat triggers?

    I've been thinking of trying a reefsafe trigger in my 200 reef. I was wondering 1. If I get more than one should I add them at the same time or does it not matter? 2. I was thinking of added a bluethroat trigger pair-male and female-but the females have a lot less color than the males, can you...