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  1. lietz06


    alright, awesome...they look really pretty online, hopefully they're as pretty in person, lol! Another question....if you have the same light, what other corals do you keep in your tanks?
  2. lietz06


    I was wondering...I posted a thread asking if i could keep any corals with 2 65 watt pc lighting and I got a few that i could keep. xenia, mushrooms, kenya tree and a couple others. I was wondering if i could keep ricordia under those lights? it's under the mushroom part in the corals. Thanks:)
  3. lietz06

    What are My chances with a powder Blue tang?

    I just had one, they are a beautiful fish. He was actually the most aggresive one out of a yellow, purple, & blue hippo. They all got put in about the same time. I noticed ick on the hippo, then the powder, then a very little on my purple. i dosed the tank with kick ich, bc i have a 200 gallon...
  4. lietz06

    thinkin of starting another saltwater tank

    yeah...they keep it on or else it takes waaay too long to cool down on Monday morning...but good thinkin! I wouldn't have factored that in myself.
  5. lietz06


    Originally Posted by outsdr2 Hello did you raise your temp? I also agree with dsmccain that temp must play a role in whether kickich works or not. no, i just followed the directions on the bottle. everyone is still doing great...water sure does look a heck of a lot better now that i can turn...
  6. lietz06

    some pic i took today

    took me a minute to find the blenny in the picture!
  7. lietz06

    Ordering a Squamosa

    Originally Posted by meowzer IT'S HERE!! IT'S HERE!!! Attachment 229985 Isn't it beautiful.... Now I can go to lunch...YAYYY I looooove it when I see that box, just wish it was on my desk, lol!
  8. lietz06


    Originally Posted by vsecret i had a really bad strain and it killed many fish before i could treat it. I did the "heavy dosage". How is your tank doing with the second treatment? All the inverts have done great. I had 2 fish die in the last month...but i guess i never figured it was the...
  9. lietz06

    thinkin of starting another saltwater tank

    so if i needed to set up a quick qt could i do the same? use the water out of my dt? if that's the case why do ppl leave qt's up all the time? maybe cause they get fish often enough?
  10. lietz06

    thinkin of starting another saltwater tank

    So I was thinkin of setting up a small saltwater tank at work. I was wondering if you use substrate, water, & liverock from an established my dt how much will that cut down on the cycling process? Thank you:)
  11. lietz06

    have you ever seen...

    Originally Posted by T316 It's directed towards the female clownfish...almost guarantee it well thank you:) i appreciate it!
  12. lietz06

    have you ever seen...

    well that's good to know...i had seen him do it before, but not for awhile, i had actually forgot about it, but i figured i'd check. there is a hawkfish, 3 tangs, and also the female ocellaris clownfish.
  13. lietz06

    have you ever seen...

    ....your clownfish kinda twitchin around kinda similar to a seizure? i was watchin my anemone poop tonight...first im saw it do it so i was interested, lol. but my lil boy clownfish was all twitchin around....almost like he was have a seizure...has anyone else ever seen their fish do this?
  14. lietz06


    Originally Posted by meowzer Just out of curiosity, I see you say for the "second" time.....Why did you have to do it again? it recommends on the bottle that if you have a bad case to go ahead with treatment twice...and my case wasn't horrible..but i had 3 fish with it and i figured i'd just...
  15. lietz06


    I just got done dosing my tank with kick-ich and it seemed to help for me as of now. Today was my last day dosing for the second time. All signs are gone...for now...but we'll see.
  16. lietz06

    24 Hours!!!

    Bah! I hate it when that happens...I had the same thing happen they said they had had this foxface for like 3 months so I was like cool...he looks good...within 48 he was dead.
  17. lietz06

    If a fish dies....

    I can't be 100% on the reason it died but the fish has had ich since late june...pretty much since I got him. I've been treating him-powder blue-along with the other tangs for ich for about a month. Everyone else looks good I'm assuming the ich just finally got him I thought it would be a good...
  18. lietz06

    My worst nightmare...and a powerful lesson

    I've read through your whole thread...and all I can think of to say is...that freakin sucks!!!! I'm sorry that happened to you...and that you'r passions has fizzled. I hope you go ahead with the Ro and light & start the reef and like you said hopefully it'll rekindle your passion for the hobby...
  19. lietz06

    If a fish dies....

    ...can you feed it to your anemone?
  20. lietz06

    true or false

    false, thank goodness!! next poster has tried kimchee before