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  1. mbrands

    Pics of my FOWLR

    Your fish look great! I'm surprised the trigger is leaving the star alone.
  2. mbrands

    Cleaner Shrimp in Action

    That is definitely not standard behavior. I had a Hawaiian spotted puffer that I had to take back to my LFS for credit when I started to convert to a reef tank. Mine would have eaten the shrimp and all of those corals by now. You are lucky to have such a docile one as they are fun fish to have!
  3. mbrands

    Starfish pics??? Post Em!!!!!!

    Originally Posted by Debbie For all the CC star folks what have you been feeding your stars? Fat Joe's favorite food is cockle, but he'll eat pretty much anything meaty.
  4. mbrands

    Starfish pics??? Post Em!!!!!!

    Actually, I named him because of his behavior. You know the rap song by Fat Joe . . . "Lean Back". That combined with how much he eats makes it very fitting.
  5. mbrands

    Does anyone have any of these..?

    Originally Posted by MonaLisa What!!! Tell me about it. However, by doing some minor things I wouldn't like, we have been looking into buying a 180 now!
  6. mbrands

    Starfish pics??? Post Em!!!!!!

    Not the most flattering photo, but here is Fat Joe (my cc star) measuring in at a whopping 6".
  7. mbrands

    post your reef tank

    Here is my 55. Its been running for 9 months, but started converting from FOWLR to a reef about 6 months ago. My camera limits the quality of pictures I can take, but the mushroom picture attached is my personal favorite so far.
  8. mbrands

    Harlequin Shrimp????

    Originally Posted by Speg set up a seperate tank to let their starfish heal up. Could you possibly imagine a more horrible life? Being served as food, only to be partially eaten, allowed to "heal up", then served as food . . . over and over again until you ultimately die. The harlequin shrimp...
  9. mbrands

    reef sun 50/50

    15 watts is pretty minimal lighting. If it were me, I wouldn't bother with changing a bulb out twice per day. I'd leave one bulb in until I could get 2 fixtures and use 2 timers. Corraline can take a while to grow. I've read other threads suggesting you use a brand new toothbrush and brush...
  10. mbrands


    Originally Posted by Franciee is this good for reef's and reef creatures What, specifically, would you like to keep? That sounds like sufficient lighting to get into keeping some corals.
  11. mbrands

    reef sun 50/50

    Do you have corals or FOWLR? How many watts of light does the bulb put out?
  12. mbrands

    Does anyone have any of these..?

    I have a standard 55 (48x13x18, as Minchman stated) with about 90 pounds of LR. My wife is making me scrape all my corraline off the back glass, so it doesn't look as presentable as I'd like.
  13. mbrands

    reef sun 50/50

    I think Oceanist meant for the corraline algae to thrive/grow with, right? What specifics does the packaging say about the reefsun 50/50? Do you only run the actinics for 4 hours total? I have mine come on before my PC lights, but keep them on until after the PC lights go off. Is that what you...
  14. mbrands

    Cleanup crew

    Originally Posted by Oceanist How many of each should be bought I add some about every other month. The hermit crabs will go after the snails for their shells. I've probably got 10-15 hermit crabs of various species and sizes, 30 snails of various species and size, and 6 peppermint shrimp...
  15. mbrands

    Little white bug ID

  16. mbrands

    Moving my tank, need advise

    Use the move as an opportunity to switch out your crushed coral for sand and to get rid of the damsel.
  17. mbrands

    Cleanup crew

    Originally Posted by JerseyGuy Question is though, when should I add the cleanup crew? This is tough to answer as it is personal preference. I've got various hermits, snails, and peppermint shrimp in my 55.
  18. mbrands


    Originally Posted by Oceanist can i put a peppermint shrimp in a tank that is cycling Why do you have a clown in a tank that is cycling?? Use the peppermint shrimp method after the cycle. I've heard that others used the injection method, which cause the aiptasia to break into smaller pieces...
  19. mbrands


    Originally Posted by puffer32 And your tests will remain 0 until it starts to cycle! And thats when your stuff will start to die!!! You say you didn't test the first few days, don't even think it cycled that fasr! No way! I'm going to take a different stance and disagree with the above quote...
  20. mbrands

    Frag Swap 9/05

    Sounds like fun. I'm in. trading shrooms, xenia frag, or zoos Phoenix, AZ Interested in rics (don't have any yet), more shrooms or some colorful zoos.