Search results

  1. mbrands

    STUNG bY anemone?!?!?!

    Originally Posted by snailheave i was stung by a ritteri anemone, not once, but twice. my forearm was in contact with the tentacles for maybe one second at the most but my forearm started to itch immediately. when i took my arm out of the water red spots were visible and spreading. it wasn't a...
  2. mbrands

    post your reef tank

    fishmamma - Is that a torch coral in the front center? Its hard to tell since the pictures have to be sized pretty small.
  3. mbrands

    post your reef tank

    Originally Posted by sweetreef i could probly help ya out they grow like weeds!!! I've got some things I could trade you. Send me an email and I'll send you some bigger pictures than can be posted on here. Hopefully I'll have something you'd be interested in. Thanks!
  4. mbrands

    post your reef tank

    Originally Posted by mbrands sweetreef - I love your purple mushrooms. If you want to trade some for a few of my red ones let me know.
  5. mbrands

    cycling question?

    How likely is it that the shrimp just ended up getting sucked into your filter? After about 5 days into cycling my tank I tried to remove the shrimp and they were a liquidy goo. If you wanted to do anything you could always add a little fish food. That would break down and create waste too.
  6. mbrands

    Quick pH question

    I was reading an aricle online about refugiums. It suggested setting the refugium light on a timer opposite the tank so that a light is always on. The article said that when the light is on the CO2 in your tank lowers, causing the pH to rise. For an accurate pH reading you should do when your...
  7. mbrands

    Help Windex

    Originally Posted by JacknJill i use windex to clean the glass. no big deal. just spray it onto the paper towel first I do the same thing. Just spray away from your tank. You could also use those windex wipes that are pre-moistened.
  8. mbrands

    post your reef tank

    sweetreef - I love your purple mushrooms. If you want to trade some for a few of my red ones let me know. BTW, how big is your tank?
  9. mbrands

    Harlequin Shrimp????

    Originally Posted by Speg I provided it as best as possible. I would agree with that. I don't "hate" those who use starfish in that way, but rather try to get them to think about it before going forward.
  10. mbrands

    The latest shot of my 75 gallon

    I love your aquascaping. You've got some nice big pieces of rock to work with!
  11. mbrands

    Harlequin Shrimp????

    I must say, I thought ophiura would help me out a little with that one.
  12. mbrands

    Harlequin Shrimp????

    Originally Posted by Speg Ever heard of feeder fish? Actually, I have. They are the fish that are consumed completely by other fish. They aren't partially eaten, put into a quarantine so that they can heal, then partially eaten again in a never-ending cycle . . . correct? Let's just agree to...
  13. mbrands

    Harlequin Shrimp????

    Originally Posted by Speg The starfish regenerate pretty fast. Humans can heal from broken bones too, but that doesn't mean I'm looking to have it happen to me. Let's just say this is a matter of personal opinion and mine is that I couldn't put 2 creatures through a life of endless suffering...
  14. mbrands

    how many 2-3'' fish can you have in a 50 gl

    Originally Posted by Tom88 Is 6 fish in a 55 gal tank too many? That depends on the kind of fish. You must consider the ADULT size of the fish you are keeping, not their current size. I'm shocked that the tang police haven't come and blasted you for keeping a yellow tang in a 55 yet. The...
  15. mbrands

    puffer fish

    I had a Hawaiian spotted puffer that would go after inverts and corals. You might get lucky and find one that is more docile. My guess would be the cleaner shrimp is a gonner.
  16. mbrands

    size of refugium and/or sump?

    Thanks for the tip!
  17. mbrands


    Originally Posted by puffer32 We can agree to disagree......... Sounds reasonable enough. Originally Posted by puffer32 I would keep a VERY close eye on it, especially the anonome which shouldn't be in a new set up even after it cycles I would agree that checking water parameters every...
  18. mbrands


    I don't know that you need to know your exact flow. To be honest, most filters' flow rates are calculated without media, so they are inaccurate anyway. If you want to get into reefkeeping most of the corals I've found do best in at least a moderate flow. With a tank that size you might...
  19. mbrands

    Aqua Remora Install Question

    Originally Posted by JerseyGuy where does the pump go, the sponge side or the other? The pump goes on the completely enclosed side. The sponge side is for the water flowing back into the tank. The water will flow into that side from the skimmer and the sponge will keep microbubbles from...
  20. mbrands

    size of refugium and/or sump?

    Is there a rule of thumb for how large a refugium and/or sump should be in relation to the display tank? I'm looking into upgrading to a 125 or 180 and would like to plan all of the equipment out ahead of time. Thanks!!