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  1. marine7198

    i have a skilter 250

    hey i have a skilter 250 i got for free and set it up in my tank. does this thing suck or what? once i have more money ill be getting an aqua c but for now is there anything i can do to reduce the bubbles in my tank?? any info would be great. also the collection tray fills up with white bubbles...
  2. marine7198

    Trying To Get My Damsel To Graze On Dried Seaweed

    i bought some dried seaweed for my damsel and he doesnt seem to pick at it. i put it on a clip for a few hours at a time for 2 weeks now and nothing has touched it. i feed him mysis and formula pellets regularly. i guess just wondering if anyone has a technique or tip
  3. marine7198

    Seachem Paraguard? Reef And Invert Safe?

    hey i dont have ich infestation in my tank but i do have a bottle of seachem paraguard that a buddy gave me cuz he never used it. i dont have a QT yet will soon tho. i just have a yellowtail damsel coral banded shrimp 4snails 20 little blue leg crabs some feather dusters and 20 pounds of live...
  4. marine7198

    Adding More Live Rock Causes Ammonia Spike?

    what posts would these be id like to check them out
  5. marine7198

    Adding More Live Rock Causes Ammonia Spike?

    i have a cycled 29 gallon tank with about 15 pounds of live rock but at the time didnt realize that u need to add all live rock before u start your cycle i want to put about 35 pounds of live rock in if i add 1-5 pounds at a time, will the die off cause ammonia spikes or will i be ok, about 2...
  6. marine7198

    Fresh Garlic In Food

    can u use fresh garlic with brine shrimp or plankton cubes how do u do it? do u use garlic cloves or proccessed garlic?
  7. marine7198

    Not Sure Whats Going On....

    ok ill give that a try like i said hes swimming around like nothings wrong and i dont think hes stressed cuz hes not hiding so ill do the food thing.
  8. marine7198

    Not Sure Whats Going On....

    i have a yellowtail damsel in a 29 gallon tank. this is a continuation of my other post, nitirite 0 ammonia 0 nitrate 10 ph 8.2 i thought my damsel had ich because i saw white spots on him, but then today they are gone, the whole time hes been eating and swimming around freely with no real signs...
  9. marine7198

    I Need Help Not Sure What To Do Here...

    here are some pics of the damsel
  10. marine7198

    damselfish question?

    ive been reading up on damselfish swimming behavior and one of the things i came across was that they do this twitching motion back and forth as part of a mating/dominance behavior. is this something anyone else has heard of. about 72 hours after i introduced my yellowtail to my tank he...
  11. marine7198

    my damsel seems like hes breathing heavy?

    ok, that makes me feel better, i just wasnt sure. thanx
  12. marine7198

    my damsel seems like hes breathing heavy?

    i have a yellowtail damsel fairly new about 1 week old, swims around like a wild man, eats alot, very colorful, but he opens his mouth about 1 time per second is that normal his gills match the speed of his mouth. how can i monitor his breathing? i thought fish use there gills only i wasnt sure...
  13. marine7198

    I Need Help Not Sure What To Do Here...

    oh yea im definatly getting the QT tank, i want to do hyposalinity but i cant becuase of the inverts. i have some quick cure ich med but im afraid to use it in my main tank. wont it kill off all the good bacteria and copepods and inverts?
  14. marine7198

    I Need Help Not Sure What To Do Here...

    hello everyone....ok here goes... im new to saltwater tanks and about 2 months ago i got a 29 gallon tank with crushed coral and live rock and let my tank cycle i now have 1 turbo mexican snail 5 blue leg crabs and 1 yellowtail damsel. ammonia and nitrites are 0 ph is 8.2 and nitrate 10. i have...