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  1. chana

    Confused about kalk??

    I had mine set up in a 2 gallon rubbermaid. I used 1/4" tubing and had a float shut off in my sump. I would premix the kalk in a different container then put it in the 2 gallon rubbermaid everyday to drip it in the sump for the evap top off. I would have to clean out the float about one time a...
  2. chana

    alage update

    I think you need more clean up crew This site ( the package below for a 30 to 90 gallon tank I think you have a 75gallon In all Aquariums with light you will get algae you just need the cleaners to do the majority of the work for you. I will give you an example: My tank cycled for...
  3. chana

    alage update

    What kind of clean up crew do you have? How long is your light cycle?
  4. chana

    Dual TDS METER?

    OK Mine is 100% accurate. It came with my kent marine RODI unit and it is made by HM digital Hope this helps
  5. chana

    Dual TDS METER?

    I have one, came with my RODI unit. Never checked it for accuracy I will go swap the in and out to see what i get
  6. chana

    Red/Brown Sand Bed. Help!!!!

    How much flow do you have in your tank. Maybe you need some additional powerheads so your water has constant movement
  7. chana

    Who does constant water changes?

    Anybody see a problem with this? Very interesting and sounds simple. I am considering doing this seems like it would work great for me. I have about 320 gallons total so if i would do 2 gallons a day that would be a 20% change every month. Please post if you see a problem with automatic water...
  8. chana

    Blackmouth Bicolor and Blue reef chromis

    Will the blackmouth bicolor chromis and blue reef chromis school together? I am planning on getting 8 or 9 of them to school. Would I have to get just 1 kind or will the two types stay together? also what are other fish that would school Thanks
  9. chana

    260 Gallon FOWLR (Ready to stock)

    no its in the nano. Wow that would be a tiny crab in a huge tank
  10. chana

    260 Gallon FOWLR (Ready to stock)

    Thanks for the ideas/opinions. Keep them coming.... As for the PomPom, just got it yesterday... was out the 1st night, but hasn't been out yet this evening. I like the angels and the triggers. I have to have the puffer and the luner wrasse. I had these 2 fish before i made the big mistake and...
  11. chana

    260 Gallon FOWLR (Ready to stock)

    This is off topic but have to share. Here is a pic of our PomPom crab in our Nano she is carrying eggs (red belly) i think. just took pic last night
  12. chana

    260 Gallon FOWLR (Ready to stock)

    I am willing to drop the ray and lion for more color. Here is a pic of the side view for help with size- the rocks could be rearrange and take up less room for sure. I appreciate the comments and want to do this right so when we figure out the fish i am getting,then we need to figure what goes...
  13. chana

    260 Gallon FOWLR (Ready to stock)

    size is 24" from front to back 30" from top to bottom and 7' side to side There is alot of sand but and yes more in the front and i will even it out tonight it will be about 3" thick when done. When i added the sand and some of the rocks i was pissed (at myself) for killing fish. I didnt take...
  14. chana

    260 Gallon FOWLR (Ready to stock)

    Learned my lesson the hard way, Lost alot of fish because i moved to fast. My tank has been fish free for 6 months. I have been running it with live rock and sand. The shrimp and crabs and snails are still doing good. I have a 50 Gal Qt tank set up and I am ready to stock the tank. Wants: Tangs...
  15. chana

    ordering a monster

    He bought it in 2005!!
  16. chana

    How can you not want a reef tank?

    I have both. I set up the reef first and wanted fish that are not compatible. Honestly I am getting more enjoyment out of the FOWLR tank. My reef is 90 gal and I have always kept only 3 fish in to keep excellent water quality. The fish only tank is 265 gal and I will be able to keep alot of fish...
  17. chana

    blue regal tang acting funny

    IMO this is normal The blue Tangs seem to stress more when in a new enviroment. THEY FREAK OUT! I assume you have rocks he could hide under and is just choosing not to?
  18. chana

    anyone with a fimbraited moray have pics?

    I think it will be fine Mine only came out when he smelled food. I loved the eel. Way fun to feed and cool looking.
  19. chana

    Post pics of refugium/sump for 75 gal.

    Ok had to get a pic of the reef from a few months ago. Couldn't just leave that crappy pic with the lights off show what my tank looks like
  20. chana

    Post pics of refugium/sump for 75 gal.

    Sorry forgot to reply back to this thread So my fuge is 6" wide, 4' long and 18" tall Aprox. I have a pump in my reef thats goes up to my fuge. I built a overflow in the fuge that has 2 hoses that feed back down to the reef. So the copapods can fall freely back to the reef. I also have a devider...