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  1. chana

    ordering a monster

    Wow I was going to post a reply about this post but realized that Mitzel the "Thread starter" hasn't been on this thread since 2005!
  2. chana

    anyone with a fimbraited moray have pics?

    Just realized you can see the little puffer in the upper right of the pic!
  3. chana

    anyone with a fimbraited moray have pics?

    Here is a pic of mine. he was about 2' long I had to get rid of him anything under 4" was expensive eel food. Even a 4" fox face. The only thing under 4" that survived was a Porky Puffer. He was very aggresive! I had him in my 90 gal with a Lunar Wrasse aprox 10" a Grouper aprox 8" and a Porky...
  4. chana

    Shark with goiter Jumps out of tank!

    No egg isn't fertalized I guess i should have figured a 2 ft shark would be able to push up egg crate
  5. chana

    Shark with goiter Jumps out of tank!

    As it says my Shark jump out of my tank. I have egg crate on top of the tank. I have lights hanging from the ceiling. Got up in the morning and first thing checked the tanks (as always). My egg crate was kinda up on the tank found the shark on the floor. It was still alive put it back in the...
  6. chana

    turning off sump at night

    Do you mean you would turn of the pump and have no water flow at night. If this is what you are saying then I would say no its not a good idea.
  7. chana

    Post pics of refugium/sump for 75 gal.

    My fuge is actually above my tank. Well its kinda a fuge I have 2 Mantis shrimp in it. Would you like to see pics of it? Don't know if it will help you it's definatley different since we use it as a display also.
  8. chana

    Stingray (what size sand do u have?)

    Ok thanks. So far the puffer hasn't nipped at the shark but he is very small
  9. chana

    Stingray (what size sand do u have?)

    Actually Thinking about it they have been together since just after Christmas. The Ray was intoduce to the LFS tank about 1 weeks after that. We waited to bring the ray home after we got the Shark to see if water quality would stay good with the Shark in the tank. Also wanted to wait for the...
  10. chana

    Stingray (what size sand do u have?)

    Sepulation says I moved to fast. I am worried. I set the 265G up 4 weeks ago. I lost a porcipine puffer 2 days before the move. Found him squished under the rocks! Apperantley the rocks shifted. I also removed 2 large Black Urchins when I upsized the tank (since I was getting a Shark and a Ray)...
  11. chana

    Stingray (what size sand do u have?)

    I have a banded Catshark. Somebody traded him back to the LFS, You helped me out with the Goiter Problem. I am feeding it Mazuri shark gel, and dipping food hopefully this will take care of it! I have a Purcipine Puffer, Fimbreated Eel, Banded catshark, Lunar wrasse, Blue Spotted Ray and...
  12. chana

    Stingray (what size sand do u have?)

    Not wanting to argue on here or make it a flaming thread but I would like to discuss this topic! Yes I pobably should have discussed it first! Just sitting here thinking about all I have done in this hobby and have questions about this. I have a reef tank also. Have had it for a couple of years...
  13. chana

    Stingray (what size sand do u have?)

    Also would like input on how to upsize the right way if this wasn't right. I am planning on getting a bigger tank in a couple of years ( there will be less people in the house so I can take up more space). So if I have delicate fish in an established 265 gall and want to get a 500 gall tank how...
  14. chana

    Stingray (what size sand do u have?)

    Wow 6 months I dont understand. I have a large protien skimmer and live rock thats been established for a year. I thought I understood cycling a tank Dont understand why moving it and adding some water would make a differance?
  15. chana

    Stingray (what size sand do u have?)

    Ok thanks To fast? I have been checking my water peramaters and I have alot of live rock that was already establish in the 150 gall setup and used all the same water- just added to it. How long do you think I should have waited? This is an honest question not being defensive.
  16. chana

    Now I'm Scared to Add My Porc Puffer...

    oh yea the grouper has a new home! Not in our tank
  17. chana

    Now I'm Scared to Add My Porc Puffer...

    The good news: Ok we got the puffers and the eel wasn't a problem The BAD news: We have a small "Eyeball" tank that is set up higher then the 265 Gall tank. We have a powerhead that pumps water to it and then the water gravity drains back to the 265 gall tank. Well 1 puffer got stuck on the...
  18. chana

    Stingray (what size sand do u have?)

    This tank has been set up for 4 weeks. Here is the story. I had a 150gal setup that was up for around a year. Had live rock/sand. I purchased a 265 and used all the water, rock and some of the sand for the new tank. Obviously I had to add more water and sand. All the fish are doing great...
  19. chana

    Stingray (what size sand do u have?)

    I have a 265 gal tank with sugar size sand in my tank.Finally got the blue spotted stingray and my tank is CLOUDY. I thought this sand is what I was suppose to get for the ray. I do have filters in the sump. Will it just take a while for the stingray to stir small particles to get filtered out...
  20. chana

    Mazuri Shark/Ray Gel (How much do u feed)

    Thanks for the info