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  1. ryand

    FINALLY we got fish^_^

    not 10 gallon its a 30 gallon dont have any corals yet but im working on it clowns are still doing good and all snails are doing there job but do you know what eats red haired algea bacause i am having a problem with it on my rock and sand
  2. ryand


    i dont think so but i forgot about that>_< wow im not on track lately ty for reminding me of that
  3. ryand

    Red Hair Algea???

    ill add to that question does any thing eat it and if not how do you get rid of it i have a 30 gallon tank with a back pack filter and i power head that cycles 150 gph i have 2 astreas 2 mexicans and 2 nassarius along with 2 clowns i only feed them about 1/4 of the cube and anything they dont...
  4. ryand

    FINALLY we got fish^_^

    WE FINALLY HAVE FISH for those that have known me on here in the past you know tht me and my group have been waiting for fish forever. we finally got a pair of what looks like tamato clowns. they look healthy but i wouldnt mind if the tank was still cleaner. i wander if maby we can get a coral...
  5. ryand

    Horrible kind of algae help!!!

    sailfin what would make red coaline grow??
  6. ryand


    well ok our emerald died what about that??
  7. ryand

    emerald died and dont know y...

    ok i got an emerald about a month ago and pit it in the tank and it emediatly went to a hole that it like( or so i thought) we noticed that it never came out so we figured it came out just when we are not here.anyways today when i was looking i knowticed that it wasent attached any more that it...
  8. ryand

    anemone yet??

    yes he clowns would problaby be eather the tamato clown or the false percs. the teacher wants a rbta and it probly going to be a reef tank because i am trying to get some corals off of here but havent been able to get the 70 dallers to get free shiping yet>_< i dont know about the substrate if...
  9. ryand

    anemone yet??

    ok as you guys probly know i am in a fish group. fchs fish is the entire groups account. but, latly ever scence we took a field trip to the closest lfs, they saw a clown fish feed the anemone and they want to get one right after x-mass brake along with the clownfish... but i am trying to...
  10. ryand

    cool but

    cool but do i need to give it calcium or anything like that?? its only about 1 cm if that
  11. ryand

    cool but

    ok i just figured out the coolist thing last night/this morning i have a hickhiker featherduster that eather revived itself from the dead or was just bearly living for more then a month. my cycle is complete and my clean up crew is working its tails off trying to get all the algea gone. but i...
  12. ryand

    Not new, but what is going on with all this algae?

    ross budy he had them off for a month already.. get some snails like mexican turbos they will get rid of most of it. and also try a lawn mower blenny ot yellow tang. the best thing to do would be to look around the sight and see what other types of animals eat it
  13. ryand

    red coraline

    cool red coraline anybody else have it and how did i get it?? lately i have not been turning off my light because i always forget and thats what i do for safety. "to wach them in my sleep" if anybody else has some it would be nice of you to post a pic so i can re-asure my self that it is it
  14. ryand

    Why is my fish losing it's colors?

    do you have a skimmer?? my lfs told me that adding one will first off add more oxygen and willbrighten the colors
  15. ryand

    ID Please

    after the cycle add a pepperment shrimp but untell then they should be fine because they have nothing to ruin
  16. ryand

    red coraline

    no i am pretty sure it is coraline i put my mexican turbo and my austrias on it and they ignored it and moved up to the parts that are badly infected with haired algea green and purple and my hermit is worken on the bubble algea
  17. ryand

    red coraline

    ok my clean up crew is worken away at the tank and i noticed that there was some red coraline algea growing on it eather that or it is something else does anybody else have it try to get pics asap and if you do can you post a pic
  18. ryand

    whats going on????

    what a beautifull sight to wach them get on the job after an hour and a half of standing still. turns out to get the mexican turbo to eat you have to tug at his shell a little bit. figured that out because i was trying to pull him off of the glass and relocate him since it seemed like he didnt...
  19. ryand

    whats going on????

    get pics asap
  20. ryand

    whats going on????

    got one emerald one mexican turbo and to austreas hope they can get it cleaned up before x-mass lol