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  1. ryand


    it is i think it was in clowns and anemones wasnt it??
  2. ryand

    simplified maroon clown pairing how to's

    snail what type of clowns do you think are the easiest to bread tho?? because hopefully after x-mass i will beable to by clowns (to long away from tank of x-mass break><) and how hard is it to get them to pare up??
  3. ryand

    Hungry Mouths

    overanalyzer what side of Des Moines do you live on if you live on the northern side i might come to visit you every now and then^_^:jumping: :joy: :yes:
  4. ryand

    Anyone Snowboard?

    man f you dont know what snaps means were have you been for the last decade?? snaps is another way of saying $#!+
  5. ryand

    what to do what to do

    i was only thinking a Ricordea or some other biginner coral something easy and hopefully not a lot of work in them just for a starter and they look kool
  6. ryand

    "Removing" an anemone

    30 minnutes and he would probly attach to you anyways how do you guys not get stung??
  7. ryand

    what to do what to do

    owell that works for me because i will have to be away from the dank during x-mass break :'( owell im only going to get about 4 snails because they will have about 1 month to clean it all up hopefully they can do it o and if they clean it up do you think that a coral will be fine in there if it...
  8. ryand

    what to do what to do

    yes it is fully cycled and olnly live rock live sand diatoms and greenhaird algea
  9. ryand

    what to do what to do

    (ok because i am not getting any replies in my other tread i will open up a new one just on this subject) ok when i get my clean up crew ( 10 turbos 5 nausrius or whater) i was wandering if i could get 3 ricorida mushroom and two percs at the same time just wandering
  10. ryand

    lawn mower blennie

    see how much your lfs is feeding them maby the lfs doesnt feed them so the first one got so hungry it practicly ate its in sides and the other ate to much incase it were to go back to the place were there was nothing to eat other then that i dont know
  11. ryand


    no no that was in the clownfish/anemones it was a hybird clown and i think they said it would go for $200 or more ive herd... but yeah send the pic to me and i can set the pic right
  12. ryand

    whats going on????

    o yeah and can i get my clean up crew and maby two clowns or a coral at the same time if so then i will order it from here because it would be cheaper( rather pay about 1 daller a snail instead of three.. and i would like to save the extra 10 dallers on fish and corals!!)
  13. ryand

    fresh water tank snails for sale

    o no it would not be to cold i took them out of a creak that avraged about 55-45 so i doubt it would be to cold just aclamate them for about 3 hours and then it would be fine anyways it would be cold by the time it gets there because of shipping time
  14. ryand

    fresh water tank snails for sale

    just a few of the meny
  15. ryand

    fresh water tank snails for sale

    any body with a fresh water tank and needs a lottle help with a clean up crew i am wiliong to ship you some snails for free because my tank is like a breeding ground for them and there is to meny for the tank to support, the little critters are starving and i dont want any more dieing. so if you...
  16. ryand

    new tank -- my live rock is dying! please help!

    i dont know if this is the right thing to do but i just leave my lights on and it looks great.. i have to wait for the clean up crew to get the rest of the exxes algea off but owell it is worken
  17. ryand

    whats going on????

    the cycle is complete!! mission accomplished. now all i have to do is get the snails and rest of clean up cew and i wll be set. anybody know what eats diatoms?? thanks
  18. ryand

    simplified maroon clown pairing how to's

    donahue what web sight is that i am thinking of doint that for my fish because my lfs have like 3 inches and biggerfor clowns
  19. ryand

    Cryostasis? Living seamonkeys in my tank

    well i would do that... if they bread faster then the fish could eat them but still stay under control that would be awsome:jumping: :joy:
  20. ryand

    Quick Clown - Anemone Question

    well how old is your tank that could affect the anemone