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  1. ryand

    holy ammonia spike

    do you still have a clean up crew if not i would buy a couple of snails and maby they can find the problem for you but thats just a thought
  2. ryand

    whats going on????

    alright thanks so i guess cycles dont take all that much time after all>_<
  3. ryand

    whats going on????

    bump need seriose help
  4. ryand

    Cleaning Crew ?'s

    go to reef packages and that will give you a good idea on what to have:yes:
  5. ryand

    Whats wrong with sand?

    not really i dont know what they do all i know is that you dont want them
  6. ryand

    whats going on????

    does anybody even have an explination wy the ammonia would go up and back down just after a day and a halve? and why the nitrites took of so fast any information would be nice right about know because i have no idea why it is hapening so fast
  7. ryand

    whats going on????

    ok two days ago i added the shrimp like you guys told me to. yesterday i did a test on NO2 and NH3 the trites were at 0 and the ammonia was at 3 mg/l today i did the same test and the ammonia was at .25 mg/l and the trites at .8 mg/l could my cycle be going that fast????
  8. ryand

    ugly sand

    i think he said sunlight because some of the rays off of the sun can penetrate the paper very easaly i bet but thats just what i would think
  9. ryand

    Yellow tail damselfish

    ok let me get this strait you can have a damsle in during the cycle??? or did you have it in after the cycle very cuorius on that because all the other kids in my fish group first off dont know a thing about salt water tanks exept that it has salt in it and they are eager to put a fish or...
  10. ryand

    first tank pictures

    now scence you mention it yeah it does in an abstract way
  11. ryand


    is there anybody from south east minnesota or north west iowa if so please post reply so i have a general ideah of how meny other people around me do it and if i feel like buying something
  12. ryand

    cycle question

    bump still dont know why it hasnt started yet or does it not need to
  13. ryand

    What is this, ID please.

    with clorafill on it weard:eek: :rolleyes:
  14. ryand

    cycle question

    ive done the test like thee times and just again today and nothing has changed ive aleady fed it right after i put it in but nothing maby it doesnt need to cycle like if it has already done it but i dont know whats going on
  15. ryand

    cycle question

    ok i have had my live rock in for almost two weeks and still no sings of the cycle starting there is plenty of green algea growing on it. i bout it pre cured but i would still expect it to cycle. any sugjestions
  16. ryand

    DSB Formula

    well get about 120 lbs or so of base sand and then if you know somebody by you with pods in there ls just get a cup full of that
  17. ryand

    question on cycle

    ok you people all know about the cycle about how the ammonia spikes first then the nitrites then nitrates my question is when the nitrates take off can i get a cleaner clam from here because they feed off of them and maby get the cycle done a little faster i am wandering if we could do that
  18. ryand

    My first tank photos!!!

    not imature just curius because i went to the rainforest cafe and the workers there were telling the kids to try to make the puffer puff so i was just wandering
  19. ryand


    why are you waiting for ammonia
  20. ryand

    Neon Gobies dissappeared!

    i know this is way off topic but i cant help but wander what type of clown that is on snailheave's display pic and i would check between the live rocks and see if one could of fell and traped them