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  1. paxrom

    My experiment with Heteractis Magnifica start today!!

    thanks for the encouragement guys and gals. Here's the water parameters tested @ LFS today ammonia: TR (<0.1ppm) nitrite: 0 nitrate:0 PH=8.1 sg=1.023 alk=175 and here's the dude today..he hasn't move anywhere since I put him in but I decided to bring him up 1 piece of rock. oh ya, I also took a...
  2. paxrom

    My experiment with Heteractis Magnifica start today!!

    Okay, so I am fed up with all the scares on almost every sites I visit saying oh..this species is for expert only.. "new tank need not apply", says wetwebmedia..blah blah blah. Just for this, I bought a large Heteractis Magnifica for my clowns on 06/10/2008. Let see how long I can keep this...
  3. paxrom

    my clown has white patch on her lower lip

    This is the best shot I can get..if you look carefully at her lower lip you'll see. I just noticed it today and it seems she may have a laceration(not sure) there before the white patch develops Can that be the reason she refuses to eat...
  4. paxrom

    Ocellaris won't eat..please help!

    It works! I bought a pack of frozen cyclops and she's eating them right now..I'm so happy!! Thanks for all the advice :))
  5. paxrom

    Ocellaris won't eat!

    my male just got a belly full , my female still haven;t eat . I'm gonna go try to dig whatever my LFS have left ps I got them from SWF, don't know what kind of tank they were in before :(
  6. paxrom

    Ocellaris won't eat..please help!

    a newbie question but how does the mysis in a frozen pack looks like? I bought the SFBB Saltwater Multi-Pack and it says on the ingredient to contain mysis.
  7. paxrom

    Ocellaris won't eat..please help!

    I got a mated pair of ocellaris on Thursday and the female has not eaten any. I've tried flakes, pellet, frozen package. Today I've added 10 drops of Kent Extreme Garlic to the 210g tank they're in but she still hasn't response (the male eats some). She seems irritated too, swimming from one end...
  8. paxrom

    Ocellaris won't eat!

    I got a mated pair of ocellaris on Thursday and the female has not eaten any. I've tried flakes, pellet, frozen package. Today I've added 10 drops of Kent Extreme Garlic to the 210g tank they're in but she still hasn't response (the male eats some). She seems irritated too, swimming from one end...
  9. paxrom

    What should I stock next?

    Originally Posted by Reefman22 if its a 210, id put in more than 2 of each snail. id be tossin in about 20 or 30 members of the cleanup crew. especially in a future reef. just my opinion, i mean i know fish are more fun to watch but algae can get wayy out of hand if its not tamed early...
  10. paxrom

    What should I stock next?

    I am thinking of doing a mixed reef tank. My lighting is the Current USA 72 inch Outer Orbit 3x150w 10K HQI-MH w/ 8x39W T5 HO & 24 Lunar Lights. I put in 2 cerith 2 trochus & 1 big turbo snail 2 weeks ago. Only the turbo & trochus are accounted for at the moment. Hope the ceriths are...
  11. paxrom

    Houston, Texas

    Originally Posted by VALgae fishland and TNT. i also went out of my way to aquarium world. didnt like it. all their fish had ich. prices way to high. a light fixture that i spent 450 on was like 950. last time i went there yes their price is a bit high I think but it seems they keep their...
  12. paxrom

    What should I stock next?

    exactly 1 month ago I setup my 210g reef-to-be tank. The tank is cycled with ~200lbs of LR (of which ~50lb was polluting LR, rest are cured) and 8 green chromis. After getting bored watching the chromis for 3 straight weeks I decided to get 4 firefish goby just yesterday. Here's my water...
  13. paxrom

    Houston, Texas

    Aquarium world at 290&Hollister seems to have great selection so you may want to check that out as well.
  14. paxrom

    a quiet chiller for 210g reef tank?

    after letting it runs a couple of days I think I'm tolerating its noise. Lucky it doesn't turn on as often, only about 2 hours a day that I notice. great idea about the frozen bottles..ah well hope this chiller will serve well.
  15. paxrom

    a quiet chiller for 210g reef tank?

    tank normally runs at 81-82F that is without lighting for the sump yet(it's an Ecosystem filter) and with flourescent light for the tank. Can't imagine how much it will rise when I leave the lights on 24/7 for the sump and get the metal halide for the tank. If I open all the 3 parts of the glass...
  16. paxrom

    a quiet chiller for 210g reef tank?

    I just got an Oceanic 1/2hp chiller installed today for my 210g will be reef tank. Everything seems ok except for the noise! (it sits in the living room) what's a good, super quiet chiller for this tank size?