Search results

  1. jon.316

    Need Live Rock!!!

    Im interested in the live rock...can you guyz email me with cost per pound and shipping to atlatantic city nj 08401? thx
  2. jon.316

    190 Predatory Stocking

    I suggest using more aggressive fish ie. clown trigger, powderblu tang, lunare wrasse <--- awsome fish, always swimming. If you plan to use live rock and grow frags, these fish will eat em as soon as they come out. Wanna save $$ and still look nice,,,buy some corals and rocks. It all depends...
  3. jon.316


    75 should be big enough to put a clown trigger in. Just start him off small and let him grow.. He'll prob grow up to 7-8 inches in that size tank depending on how many fish you keep in it. Mines grew almost 2 inches in 6 months!!:happyfish
  4. jon.316

    Fiji Dive Pics

    Awsome pix stacy...wanna take me with you next time??? :hilarious
  5. jon.316

    Looking for Bow front tank in S. Jersey

    I'm looking for a 46-75 gal bow front in south jersey...if anyone has 1 laying around...please email or post!! thx all
  6. jon.316

    Aragocrete rock f/s NW wash

    I'll take it for $100 even if u wanna ship i out to me quoted me $39 shipping + 70 @ $1 a pound is $109. i'm askin for $9 bucks off..... email me or post your thx
  7. jon.316

    29 gal in NJ

    Post a pix and askin price fisherman... shipping also to 08401 atlantic city thx
  8. jon.316

    55 gal with stand for sale

    Wow it looks big for a 55, you wouldn't happen to be willing to ship it would ya?? atlantic city to nY is a coupla hours...... 08401 if you wanna give me a shipping quote
  9. jon.316

    55 gal with stand for sale

    Post some pix and asking price harlequin....I'll see what i can do.
  10. jon.316

    great equipment sale!

    How much for the complete set-up shipped to atlantic city nj 08401?? Can you post some pix also? thx
  11. jon.316

    complete 90 gal for sale in Ma.

    Can you post some pix?? Are you willing to ship?? Where exactly are you located?? thx jon
  12. jon.316

    Aragocrete rock f/s NW wash

    :notsure: Can you post an email with current pictures of your live rocks? I would like to see your set up so I can kind of know what it will look like in mines. Thx for the shipping numbers by the way. jon
  13. jon.316

    55 gal in New Jersey

    Sory guyz...way too high for me..imma have to bump this one too thx anywayz
  14. jon.316

    Stuff for sale in Atlanta area

    How much live rock do you have and how much are you askin for it?? can you get shipipng cost to atlantic city nj 08401? thx jon
  15. jon.316

    Leopard Wrasse Photos

    gorgeous fish..what kind of wrasse is it?? Im thinking of getting a harlequin but i might have to change my mind
  16. jon.316

    the effects of moon lighting

    WOW that's real nice...Im thinkin of going for live rock in my 155 also...How much live rock and live sand do you have in there?? thx
  17. jon.316


    Regular flores will only give your tank enough light to grow algae. Power compact or VHOs will simulate sunlight and give your fish better color and allow light waves deeper into your tank to grow corals and such. Your tank will look much better if you have a white bulb as well as a blue...
  18. jon.316

    How many MH for 125 Tank

    VHO's will give you the best bang for your buck and looks the best IF you have a cabinet tho it doens't really matter too much. you could probably ---- a 220 vho power compact for around 200-250... gl
  19. jon.316

    best overall overflow

    The garaunteed best overflow right now is the cpr's I'm getting one myself as soon as i get some money. No tubes, no noise, just a button to press. Try goin to your LFS and see if you can find a clear one tho...My LFS charges an extra $20 for it but i think it will look better than with the...
  20. jon.316

    sump/fuge size

    lol....bigger sump means more money...I would stick with something around 15-20 gal for your 55 gal tank. Make sure everything fits in your cabinet also:joy: jon