That's called a usually called wet/dry filter by the way and is supposedly the best type of filter because it similates the ocean so well....keep in mind salt water fish requires a lot of work. The bigger the tank the more water you have to change monthly. I have a 155 and i love it to death...
Hi, I have a 155 bow front and 200. I'd be more than happy to take care of him/her. Can i call you or email you to make arrangements??
thanks jon
It sounds like this will be your first tank so make sure you do a lot of research before deciding.
If I were to start up a new tank that size (i already have a 155 bow front agreesive fish only tank)
I would get 2 inches of live sand as my bed (crushed coral is a lot more work and a lot less...
I'd def. take in the harliquen tusk, emperor angel, clown trigger and powder blu tang....coupla perc clowns will round it out nicely. Lunare wrasse is a great addition because they swim so much but might not be compatible with the tusk...good luck
I'm in Atlantic City NJ looking for agressive addition to my tank
Interested in but not limited to:
Powder Blue Tang
clown trigger
harlequin tusk
emporer angel (juv)
mexican puffer
any other agressives u think would fit in this scheme would be considered
I would stick with 3 fish max for that sized tank....But either way your lion, trigger or PBT wouldn't be able to grow to full size in that tank. Good thing is, they still last long enough and grow big enough to enjoy em.