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  1. jon.316

    PETA at it again

    If I were hungry enough I'd cook and eat these snot nosed pea-brained Peta people too!!! just kiddin....maybe... I wonder if these PETA would think it cruel for half the worlds population that depend on seafood to sustain were to starve to death.....hmmmmmm food for though
  2. jon.316

    4sale 300 gallon oceanic dallas,tx

    Wow if only i lived in Texas....
  3. jon.316


    game play i think is better because graphix are great and ai is much smarter. But weapons aren't as even as halo one and so i'd have to give it an 9 where halo 1 gets a full 10.
  4. jon.316

    who else is bored at work? 11-9-04

    hahahahha welcome to the club guyz....
  5. jon.316

    New Saltwater Tank....

    Yuppers welcome to SalterwaterFish...I'm sure you'll find lots of great information here....Dont get too caught up tho sometimes these fishheads get a lil touchy with their opinions lol good luck and feel free to ask around for anything at all.
  6. jon.316

    ? about DIY stand

    Yea it will create a lil bit more stress but your tank should be strong enough to hold it ez....i bought a 155 bow front bout a year ago and when they loaded it inot my truck...they just yanked it by the smallest side and it held fine....scared the heck outta me but hey they were rite...strong...
  7. jon.316

    I need a good eel recommendation

    Wow you you've guys got ME confused...I personally perfer the tesseleta over all the other eels but ur tank might be a bit small so i'd have to suggest the zebra...they look great and you dont have to babysit them. I mean what's the point of havin an eel that hides all day and have to spoon...
  8. jon.316

    Fish for sale

    can you ship?? interesetd in the queen and the tesseleta to nj 08401 thanks
  9. jon.316

    It was just to BIG!

    lucky you can you share the name of the fish store you ordered from?? :)
  10. jon.316

    Nitrate problem??

    I saw a hang on fuge for $50 on ---- earlier today if you were interested.....i'd suggest cleaning out your filter and doing a 40% water change to drop your trates...then contiinuing 5-10 gal water changes.
  11. jon.316

    Time to replace blubs question

    yep...bigger is better!!! i'd upgrade to 2 400 wat halides 2 blue acitinic is good if not i'd just run all 4 acitinic 65's to give it a deep blue deep sea effect...
  12. jon.316


    Halo...Halo...halo....hail to the halo king....Halo...Halo...haloHalo...Halo...haloHalo...Halo...haloHalo...Halo...halo :joy::jumping: :jumping: :cheer: :cheer: :joy:
  13. jon.316

    Saltwater Fish for Sale!

    defenitelyinterested if your willng to ship...I'll pick up the tab of course....I'm lookin for a tusk, emporor or regal, pbt, clown trigger...u know...the more agressive and purty lookin ones.....thanks:)
  14. jon.316


    I think your tank is wayyyyy over crowded!!! You really should send 1 maybe 2 fish to me!! :D :D should be ok as long as u do regular water changes. 1/4 water every month
  15. jon.316

    computer ??

  16. jon.316

    fish need a new home

    My cousin would probably be willing to drive up to pick them up...he has a 155 with 2 i think he'll be interested can you email me your address and and maybe some directions from NJ? thx jon
  17. jon.316

    FS/FT 6" Passer Angel (NY Metro)

    how far from newark airport are you??? willing to go any lower on the price??? thx
  18. jon.316

    I really need your peoples help!!!!!

    I would defenitely go with the fuzzy lion if you have a small tank....Only thing is it stays very small.....If you can get the volitan...even tho it wont grow to max size in ur tank it will still grow and be gorgeous.....lastly I would def not get the antenetta lion....they only eat live foods...
  19. jon.316

    WANT to get rid of Jewel moray!

    I also have a 7 ft agressive tank and would be interested in the eel or any other agressives u mite have.....I'm in New Jersey 08401 so cant pick it up but will def pay for shippin....can you post some pix? I'll make you an offer if u dont wanna put up a price...thanks
  20. jon.316

    CLown Trigger For Sale

    I'm interested in the fish but def wanna see some pix of the fish....How much are you asking for??? jon