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  1. jon.316


    yea i saw this in the paper the other day and it basically said the same exists but that's it.....I cant wait to see what goodies they find on that reef....
  2. jon.316

    What's the age cutoff to be able . . .

    Tang man, Have you tried playing with the controller being inverse?? Where up is down and down is up?? I know it sounds silly but it helps me, kinda like driving a tank. And yea eventually you'll get the hang of it and kick ---, Even tho i still think Halo 1 is 10x better than 2.
  3. jon.316

    USA Reef 6 st 100GPD Reverse Osmosis RO+DI Water Filter

    I've been using this system, the one with the 3 gallon storage tank included, for a bit over a year now and it's worked great. My tank looks cleaner, my fish healthier, and my drinking water tastes better. Just remember to changed your filter every 6 months or so even tho it says it can go for...
  4. jon.316

    Live rock and etc in the PA

    I'm interested in your rocks and sand...where in PA are you located??? I'm in Jersey.....bout an hour away from philly thx
  5. jon.316

    hawaiin dragon eel for sale

    I'm interested in the eel but the price is wayy too high for me....If you can git it for under a hundred FISHINMI, wanna make a quick hundred bucks?? I've seen 20 inch japanese dragon eels for 500$ here b4 evilss....good luck tho..
  6. jon.316

    damsels in new reef tank???

    I cycled my 155 a year ago with 4 damsels and 2 clowns. The clowns are awsome and as the damsels grow they are really nice to look at. I can tell you tho, it would be impossible for me to try to net the dang things. they're only about 2.5 inches big now so i dont mind keepin in there anyways...
  7. jon.316

    New FOWLR setup questions

    for an Emp 400, 55 gallons is pushing it.....I'd run it with live rock and live sand to be on the safe side. I've ran the emp400 in a 46 with live sand and it works great but it's recommended for under 50....i think a good skimmer teamed up with the 400 should be all you need as far as filtration.
  8. jon.316

    2 quick questions

    I have 40 lbs of live sand in a 46 gall and it works fine. If you can afford it get another bag... if not i wouldn't worry about it. I'd def get 2 phs tho if your going corals, for fowler...1's fine.
  9. jon.316

    Cycle, please help

    You should be fine as long as your water/rock/sand is stable....I'd add the perc first and then wait a coupla days to add the others...Test your trates and phosphates every coupla days to make sure your tank doens't cycle again....(i doubt it will, just do water changes if it does) and you...
  10. jon.316

    fish hanging out w/ mech. equip

    It's pretty normal. My clown has claimed that corner of the tank and has basically lived there for a year worries as long as your temp and trates are stable..
  11. jon.316

    RO/DI unit questions

    ----.....I've used mines for about a year now and I think it works great....110gpd 6stage ro/di for under 200$....just remember to change the filters every 6 or so months...
  12. jon.316

    question about live rock

    LOL, as far as I know, "live" rock or sand is just full of living organisms that feeds off the wastes of fish or corals in your tank...If you havn't cycled your tank or fed it lots of light, all the organisms are probably dead. I'd buy a chunk of live rock and a bag of live sand after i test...
  13. jon.316

    R/O from stores " drinking r/o "

    Yup ----....I got mines about a year ago 110 gal per day ro/di great....
  14. jon.316

    FOWLR 210 substrate options

    Hey, I have a 155 bow front agressive Fowler.....I went with CC at first, but had to change my water pretty often....switching out with Live Sand as soon as it finishes curing in a coupla weeks...I'd go with the live sand unless you have a lot of free time on your hands...I can go for about 6...
  15. jon.316

    Tell me what you think???

    I'm assuming that tank is a 45....and for that size that's prolly the best thing u can do to it....just add a couple nice fish and you're set.
  16. jon.316

    Wrasse Suggestion!

    if ur lookin for a wrasse i'd go harlequin tusk or banana wrass for 15 bucks less git the lunare...awsome lil fish agressives i'd add pbt clown trigger
  17. jon.316

    Electra Subs....

    now ur talkin my language....cause only some of yall speak whale my system ran about 2500-3000 but that was about 4or 5 years ago 800x4 power punch (rockford phosgate) pair of 10 inch bx2 ..(1000 watts each) 2 1000x1 power punch monos (actuall wattage tested around 1200 wats each... pair of...
  18. jon.316

    bored so lets see you desktops

    Hey lovesea we have the same background lol...well at work anyways....
  19. jon.316

    Home Theater

    LOL U GUYZ GOT ME STARTED I FORGOT WHY I WAS POSTING LOL When it comes to electronics...$ = quality usually... i'd suggest powered speakers....well cause they're the best i'd def go with onkyo, harmon kardon, or yamaha for bang for your buck when it comes to recievers and amps video wise i'd...
  20. jon.316

    Home Theater

    65 sony widescreen hdtv panasonic laser disk player sony dvd player sony vcr harmon kardon cd player carver pre-amp 166watt per channel x 6 channel carver 806 amp pair of infinity overture 3's powered pair of bose 8 series tower for surround.... pair of definitives cause i had 2 extra channels...