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  1. jon.316

    what kind of beer do you like?

    HMMM... any beer i dont like would be anything that says "light" on it"...i once went to a party w ith 2 kegs of coors light...drank for 6 hours straight and didn't even git a buzz
  2. jon.316

    what kind of beer do you like?

    If you ever come down to Atlantic City come down to the Tun Tavern....that's my local bar and i only order their microbrewed Pale Ale...i've been addicted since the first time Where do you go for your microbrew in cherry hill?? As for when im anywhere else....its all about the HEINE baby!!!
  3. jon.316

    Building new comp. Help with CPU

    Yea i'd go with what i can with my own budget...aKA bigger budget better machine BUT...... Best bang for your buck either way is Athlon 64 with 939 pin.. make sure u git 939 pin so you can upgrade to better chip in the future. they use the same sockets on motherboard so u can just pull n plug...
  4. jon.316

    what happened to elchoryla? he had rock for sale

    Let me know if you need a place to git rock for your beast.. U dont happen to live by an airport do you??
  5. jon.316

    Power Compact Lighting

    Defenitely in order to be a true reefer you will need metal halides...I'd suggest at least 275 in a 75 gal. My brother has a 400 wat MH in his 90 gal and its awsome...BUT....I'd still get the PC's because tanks just look so much better with true 03 acitinic bulbs. Besides your MH are only gonna...
  6. jon.316

    Is is a bad idea to have 2 different eels in the same tank?

    In a 55 i'd just stick with one eel unless u get a lil snowflake and something else just a lil larger...I've seen plenty of people put a green moray and tesseletta together but you need at least 150 for that
  7. jon.316

    180 gallon

    wow this is fun...what i'd do if i had a 180.... ...i'd go emperor angel harlequin tusk or banana wrasse clown trigger powder blue tang 2-3 true percs a mandarin...just cause they're cool maybe a small puffer yea that's bout perfect for a 180
  8. jon.316

    what did I do wrong

    Well it seems to me most likely the lionfish contracted some kind of bacterial infection. It normally happends when it gets a cut on its skin or when water quality goes down. Check your nitrates, ph, nitrates and everything else and see what it says. Remeber, 25%water change every month for...
  9. jon.316

    I want the best!!!!!!

    I have a couple of web site that do custom fuges that I'm looking into for myself so if your interested i could help you out... Also it looks like you have money to spare on your tank so i'd say go with the best low maintenance system you can afford. I'd say 40 gal fuge with bio balls (yup they...
  10. jon.316

    Your Substrat Type Preference? I want to change mine.

    i recently switched from cc to southdown and found that I traded maintenance for beauty. I loved my 3-4 inch CC.. My fish and live rocks contrasted with the white cc so well but i couldn't keep up with montly maintenance so i decided to switch....Well, my trates are better and i can go another...
  11. jon.316

    temp for agressive tank

    Research will tell ya between 77 and 81 but my fish are more active when i set ma thermostat to 79....
  12. jon.316

    Want To Buy!!!

    I'm looking for a 150 or larger tank possibly with stand and canopy....possibly complete or new jersey. If anyone has 1 layin around please thanks
  13. jon.316

    Harlequin Tusk Vs. Lunare...What should i do?

    Yea I love em both...the Tusk is gorgeous with those awsome fangs...great bold colors...but my lunare is slick and is awsome to watch in the tank extremely hyper..... Just wanna see if i can git them to live peacefully together
  14. jon.316

    Help...I killed all my fish

    Next time can i just suggest a 10 gal quaranteen tank...that and a coupla drops of coppersafe will safe ur next set of buddies...
  15. jon.316

    hippo and powder blue

    I had a pbt in my 155 for about a soon as my trates went up a bit ( i do water changes every 6 weeks) my ptb attacked dorey.....i had to revert back to every 4 weeks. if u dont have too many filtration problems it'll be okay but beware...they're real ichy
  16. jon.316

    Harlequin Tusk Vs. Lunare...What should i do?

    I have a 6 inch Tusk and a 7 inch lunare in my 155...Unfortunately my lunare is extremely agressive and my tusk is not, therefore, it gets beat up bad....I'm going to have to get rid of one if i cant figure out how to get them to cohabitate...any ideas would be helpful...thanks :thinking...
  17. jon.316

    DLP v. LCD - another TV discussion

    I'd go with the projection DLP...defenitely the best bang for the buck right now....
  18. jon.316

    do saltwater fish get ick?

    Yes fish do get ich, and out of experience I can assure you that tangs are prolly one of the most supceptable to ich (supcetible,susceptable...whatever u get the idea) :notsure: I'd suggest picking up a 10 gallon tank with a small filter and pump $9, and a small heater $6 and a bottle of...
  19. jon.316

    hawaiin dragon eel for sale

  20. jon.316

    USA Reef 6 st 100GPD Reverse Osmosis RO+DI Water Filter

    I'm not sure what people mean when they say bad water or good water....As far as i know...all water that comes out of the filter is good up to a certain amount of gallons per day...As long as the water is not forced thru all the filters too quickly, every drop that comes out should be "good"...