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  1. aquatica-tech

    Peppermint Shrimp

    How do cyclopeeze look like i want to feed it to my fish cause they say it enhances fishes colors
  2. aquatica-tech

    Can't stand this Xenia...Help

    True my LFS sells it 15 for a small colony plus ill most likely get a discount cause thats were i get all my stuff
  3. aquatica-tech

    Skinny Goby not eating...

    Alright Keep us updated
  4. aquatica-tech

    Can't stand this Xenia...Help

    Hey send me some over here ill pay for shipping
  5. aquatica-tech

    Base Rock

    Just wondering were do people get there base rock in Orlando,Florida or a good website PM please cause over here live rock is 6.99 a pound so that killing me, any suggestions
  6. aquatica-tech

    Peppermint Shrimp

    Yea thats what my peppermint was cleaning under my fingernail... just wondering they fold a long antennae near there claes wondering what that for, any suggestions
  7. aquatica-tech

    Skinny Goby not eating...

    Well im thinking that your damsel is killing his appetite due to him being stressed you know, imagine you sitting in a diner and some little kids start bugging you, you would want to leave after a period of times cause they keep bothering you, thats how i take it, so if it was "ME" i would take...
  8. aquatica-tech

    Peppermint Shrimp

    Haha I was on a digging quest looking for my sandfleas I put in there which i dont really know if there good for a tank so thats why i put it in my sump. So while I was looking my peppermint was reaching out from his rock to my hand, so i moved my hand closer and it started picking off stuff...
  9. aquatica-tech

    AWWW my fish hate me

    Well the bi color blennies WILL do that cause theyll protect there territory so no they dont hate you its just a show of protection
  10. aquatica-tech

    Renegade Turbo Snails

    WEll snails are all muscles so dont underestimate the little guys he might have pushed it up but yea they tend to want to go to the surface mines do it all the time
  11. aquatica-tech

    Skinny Goby not eating...

    WEll they eat just about anything but make sure you give him some fatty food cause he might need it, i feed my firefishes mysis and regular little pellet food so you can feed them that. But make sure you feed him might want to go out ASAP and get some food.
  12. aquatica-tech

    Skinny Goby not eating...

    Lol um yea... you might want to lol cause then whats going to be in the sand for him to eat lmao too funny
  13. aquatica-tech

    Skinny Goby not eating...

    Add some garlic to whatever your feeding him
  14. aquatica-tech

    Thongs 15 Tall Reef Diary

    Becarefull not to swear there are little kids on this site and they'll flame you for it. So watch out the old people did it to me
  15. aquatica-tech

    I want to get my clown to breed

    OK thank you
  16. aquatica-tech

    Color Changing Goby

    He was feeling good and felt better thats why he got bright but hes stressed a little somehow and thats probrably why its turning white
  17. aquatica-tech

    I want to get my clown to breed

    No but my LFS has one and im dieng to get it
  18. aquatica-tech

    I want to get my clown to breed

    Alright Alright ill be mature in this place but im not going to grow old as fast as these guys or women here. But what other fish might go with my 2 Firefish gobys and my two peppermints and that are pretty active ?
  19. aquatica-tech

    I want to get my clown to breed

    IM 17 so whatever dude thanks for so much AMAZING help you guys are supposed to bring, I guess im on my own and if all my fish die cause you guys dont want to help me at least I got somebody to blame. Just trying to bring some humor in you high class think you better than anybody people here.
  20. aquatica-tech

    I want to get my clown to breed

    Oh wow dude come on now most of em might know what it means already so its old new for them. And im not saying anything even about them doing you know what. Im just stating that its seperating my two fish and I want to take him out of there and replace him big whoop