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  1. shnabbles

    Upgrading tank: all new water?

    iv heard you should try to keep 50% when moving your tank.. .since your upgrading to a larger tank i would try to save as much water as you possibly can
  2. shnabbles

    Shedding toadstool?

    I bought a toadstool leather on tuesday night.. It opened up nicely on wednesday, but since then it hasnt opened. What does a toadstool look like when it sheds? Mine as little white powder on it... and the texture looks slimy today? Any ideas?
  3. shnabbles

    crazy hitch hicher snail found in tank pic id please!?!?!

    it could be a new species in which you could name it!
  4. shnabbles

    Topic of the Month:refugiums

    HOLLY F promisetbg is that your tank?? What the heck happend looks like a fresh water tank lol
  5. shnabbles

    Barrier Reef

    ok freeze them and use them as weapons in the dessert war lol
  6. shnabbles

    Barrier Reef

    cant they just catch and sell the stars? :notsure:
  7. shnabbles

    Leather toad stool

    what do they look like when they shed? do they actually peel off or what? mines isnt opening right now... looks kinda like there is a seem down the middle... they dont split in half do they?
  8. shnabbles

    Toadstool Leather not opening?

    Wednesday night we bought a toadstool leather... Thursday it was open, Friday had a bit of a sand storm from a fallen P/H but nothing to serious... Today its not opening up at all? I put it up higher in tank and still nothing... my lighting is 4 65watt PC's? PH is 8.3 calcium is 400 alk is 9.8 dkh
  9. shnabbles

    Tip on getting HUGE Shrooms

    what if when you cut it down the middle you dont cut the stalk in half and the other half of the shroom just floats away?
  10. shnabbles

    What are these??

    are they flowing or are they stiff? from the pic they look like little stalks of some kind of coral
  11. shnabbles

    crazy hitch hicher snail found in tank pic id please!?!?!

    Could it be a miniature version of the monster running around on LOST?
  12. shnabbles

    Our new 250 is finally ready for water!

    Very nice set up cant wait to see updated pictures. When we move I plan on setting up a 225-300 gallon tank... Im gonna have no clue were to start as i only have a 55 now with no sumps or fuges lol.. Keep us posted!
  13. shnabbles

    Maroon with any other clowns?

    In a 55 is it possible to mix any other clowns with a maroon? I know this kinda a dumb question... The maroon now pretty much stays to his RBTA wife wants Nemo, or a Black Nemo.
  14. shnabbles

    views on tropic marin pro reef???

    Get away from Oceanic It has unstable calcium levels and lately people have been getting poorly mixed salt mixtures... I myself have a 5 gallon bucket full of the crap that i refuse to use anymore.
  15. shnabbles

    My alk is

    Reefnut thanks for the info bro!
  16. shnabbles

    My alk is

    calcium hydroxide... thats what i meant.. was my ALk Ok? If I add kalk now will it raise my calcium? or should i continue to buffer and not add kalk untill it is at its desired amount?
  17. shnabbles

    My alk is

    9.8 is that hi or low or just right? my calcium is slowly climbing its up to 350 its so low because i went from using oceanic and having calcium around 600ppm to using instant ocean which has a notoriously low calcium... iv started buffering for calcium and dripping kalk at night which will...
  18. shnabbles

    How do you keep your tank EarthQuake Safe?

    that would take some serious shake to knock over a tank, how big is your tank? imagine what a 55 galllon tank with 50 lbs of live rock, 80 lbs of sand, and 50 gallons worth of water would weigh? plus the stand and all the mechanical parts!
  19. shnabbles

    Reef Safe?

    if had a red coris wrasse for a few weeks and it hasnt had any agressiveness yet its is an adult also.. its been eating zooplankton
  20. shnabbles

    2 mouths on my ric!

    cut it :cheer: cut it :cheer: cut it :cheer: lol frosty what is that in you avator? a white turtle?