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  1. shnabbles

    any hope for my colt??

    once you get the skimmer on and working you will be getting tons of crap in the collection cup.. i mean TONS! since the tank has been up for 6 months with out a skimmer.. If you arent getting tons of stuff you need to get a new one... If its a Sea Clone Skimmer id trash it now for a Aqua...
  2. shnabbles

    any hope for my colt??

    when can you have the fuge done?
  3. shnabbles

    any hope for my colt??

    there are hang on back skimmers where no drilling is needed
  4. shnabbles

    any hope for my colt??

    when will you have the fuge done??? you have to have one of these things
  5. shnabbles

    any hope for my colt??

    Why wont it fit on the tank? Protein skimmers are absolute musts :scared: This is another huge reason for your bad water quality. What brand is the skimmer?
  6. shnabbles

    Phytoplankton VS Phytoplex

    So DT's would be better since its live right? I was going to buy some tonight but i still had stome phytoplex left so i decided to wait.... I think i might still pick some up... Does the phytoplex go bad? i know the DTs stuff does
  7. shnabbles

    any hope for my colt??

    Cut a small frag off and see if it smells like death... thats a good way to know... It could still be salvageable... Its good to hear your water changes are going well. Did you ever say what kind of Protein Skimmer you have? I also recommend you get a refractometer, and a TDS meter since you...
  8. shnabbles

    Phytoplankton VS Phytoplex

    Currently im using Phytoplex to feed my corals... I was wonder what the pros and cons are to Phytoplex and phytoplankton? Which is better and why? :notsure:
  9. shnabbles

    Feather Duster won't come out...

    What are your water readings? What kind of flow is it in? I bought one last week, i think its only closed once since i put it in the tank..
  10. shnabbles

    Attack of the purple

    Ya coraline algae doesnt grow on the sand bed, it grows on th rocks, glass, and power heads. Are you using tap water or RO water?
  11. shnabbles

    id please- are my corals sickly??

    I would never go back to your fish store again.... or cuss them out for giving you such bad info and stealing your money..... If you cant drink the tap water in AZ how can they even recommend using it for your fish tank which needs absolute pure water?
  12. shnabbles

    id please- are my corals sickly??

    Just wondering about the wrasse, usually the dragons have white heads and thought it looked cool.. Do you have a protein skimmer? If not they are a MUST! I recommend a Aquaremora Pro Clowns dont need to be born at the same time to get along, but usually they will pair... and dont get along in...
  13. shnabbles

    STAR FISH compatibility question

    Tizzo your linkia looks really nice can you frag it for me :) lmao j/k
  14. shnabbles

    id please- are my corals sickly??

    What kind of wrasse do you have? Your salinity should definently be alittle higher i keep mine at 1.025, 1.022 is low for corals and anenomes. Your PH should also be at 8.2 I would honestly stop dosing anything untill you have a better handle on the algae. What kind of Star fish is that? I dont...
  15. shnabbles

    id please- are my corals sickly??

    Also make sure your purified RO water flows slower then your "WASTE" water the RO puts out.. You may want to pick up a TDS meter.. .they are about 20 bucks you can find them on the worlds largest auction site... They measure the Total Disolved Solids in your water.. You may also want to invest...
  16. shnabbles

    id please- are my corals sickly??

    What is your water temp and your salinity? You said perfect water conditions but i dont think they can be perfect conditions with that kind of growth.
  17. shnabbles

    Anemone for MD

    fast5liter what part of delaware are you from? We are in smyrna, are you in the Delaware Reef Club?
  18. shnabbles

    Going to philly today, what do you have?

    Where in philly did you go? The hidden reef?
  19. shnabbles

    New Tank Pics!

    nice tank.... is their anything else thats plush in the tank for the clown to host? i havent seen one in a feather duster before
  20. shnabbles

    You will never guess what P**Co told me today!

    God the info you can get from some LFS is priceless...