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  1. shnabbles

    Coraline turning white?

    Iv been having a few probs with my tank as of late. My Coraline is starting to turn whiteish.. or have little white spots on it.. Any ideas whats causing this? My rocks also have alot of green fuzzy looking algae on them? I dont think its green hair algae.
  2. shnabbles

    need help--soooo confused

    Solow how is the algae problem going?
  3. shnabbles

    Do i need to drip kalk for.

    Well wouldnt dripping kalk keep them up to par? Or is my little amount of corals not enough of a drain on the kalk, calcium
  4. shnabbles

    Do i need to drip kalk for.

    The only corals i have are some xenia frags (about 8) 1 branching coral, and a couple SMALL zoo colonys. Do i need to drip kalkwasser or lime water for this limited amount of corals?
  5. shnabbles

    new rock and tank pics

    wow im super jealous of your frogspawn... i just got one ... looked great when i got it and has started taking a turn for the worse... iv started feeding it DT,s and been trying to control my low ph problem.. hopefully it makes a turn back for the better
  6. shnabbles

    Help!!! Asap!

    It takes time for the foam... Thats part of the break in period. It will also stop foaming for about an hour when you stick your hand in the water, and when you feed your fish. Just give it 3-4 days of constant running... If still no foam then id be worried.
  7. shnabbles

    Oceanic Salt mix

    my R/O water has a PH of only 7... when i mix in the salt it usually only gets up to 7.8 and unless my test kits are wrong my alk is high and my calcium is high i have a hard time keeping emerald crabs alive for more then a week, same goes with mexican turbo snails... i assume this is because of...
  8. shnabbles

    Oceanic Salt mix

    Anyone have any problems with this salt? Iv been using it for 8 months with no problems.. But my my ph stays very low, my alk seems high as does my calcium... Any comments?
  9. shnabbles

    Help!!! Asap!

    I dont have that skimmer, but protien skimmers usually take a couple days to adjust themselves... and generally get quiter once they are adjusted.
  10. shnabbles

    My 55 gallon!!!

    Cool, mine is almost 5 inches long... he is a beast!... eats everything from algae to flake food, to brine shrimp. My silly wife even brought home a very very small hippo tang once ( i road her for it, this thing was the size of a quarter and was already sick) and the LMB thought it was flake...
  11. shnabbles

    My 55 gallon!!!

    Nice pics... your Lawn Mower Blennie looks SUPER SMALL
  12. shnabbles

    Fresh Water Dip???

    the cbbf was a risk in a reef tank anyway.. .And i did read up on how hard they were to care for.. we tried to see it eat at the LFS and it didnt and their excuse was it was just acclimated and they dont eat when they first get acclimated... which was true it was just acclimated.... but i new it...
  13. shnabbles

    Fresh Water Dip???

    I gave him a dip for 5 minutes... he did ok through it and looked better then he originally did when he went back into the tank. 2 hours later he was on his last breath......i put him in a bowl of salt water so he wouldnt wonder behind a rock... and he passed within a minute of going into the...
  14. shnabbles

    Fresh Water Dip???

    I have a Copper Banded butterfly that seems to have a case of Ich. Its eyes look foggy and there is dots all over it... It is hanging around the very top of the water. Should i try a fresh water dip? I dont have a hospital tank :mad: Is it to late for him? Should i take him out if its to late...
  15. shnabbles

    Minimal Nitrate boost??

    What would call a small boost in Nitrates? Over stocking a tank? Im just wondering cause iv had a very small amount of nitrates the last couple times i checked my water. My tank has been set up almost a year and i havent added any new rock in months. I do 5 gallon water changes every week in a...
  16. shnabbles

    Anenome upside down?

    my rose tip attached himself upside down in a little over hang and looks fine..
  17. shnabbles

    any hope for my colt??

    wow i cant believe it over flowed your collection cup that fast... usually protein skimmers take a few days to work correctly but i guess your water was so bad it worked immediatly... but thats good.. you need all that crap out of your water
  18. shnabbles

    any hope for my colt??

    You had 3 gallons of what on your floor?? Do you have a collection cup?
  19. shnabbles

    closed up zoos

    Hows the temp in the tank? When i had hi water temp a few weeks back all my zoos closed up and their little feelers fell off....... actually i think they are button polyps
  20. shnabbles

    Aiptasia Help Please !

    Peppermint shrimp is definenatly the way to go Dont Copper Bannded butterflys eat aiptasia to? :notsure: I read some where that someone injected their aiptasia with boiling water and it exploded sending little aiptasia particles everywhere which regrew into a forest of aiptasia... Better...