Search results

  1. gman08016

    Anyone ever thought of keeping a cuttlefish?

    Originally Posted by fishyCPA I think they had more than 1, and I want to say as many as 3, but I don't remember completely, sorry. Was there last month.I stood at the tank for about 25 min. Wife was a little fired up.Stayed in that part for about 3 hours just looking at there fish.
  2. gman08016

    FS: Lights

    Might be interested in your light.Could you send me some pics as well.
  3. gman08016

    Lights Equipment for sale

    Nobody taking B/O
  4. gman08016

    For Sale & WTB

    Sorry guys that tank is gone and i have a 150 aga thanks .
  5. gman08016

    Need a fuge

    I made one outof an large hob filter.Worked good for my small tank.Have it in the classifieds right now.
  6. gman08016

    lowering my ph

    Originally Posted by Flricordia Why are you trying to lower your ph again? 8.4 is ideal from what I understand. Salinity at 35ppt and ph of 8.5 is what natural reefs run. I keep mine there and my corals do fantastic and fish are healthy. Am I wrong in this and need to lower it? The only corals...
  7. gman08016

    lowering my ph

    Originally Posted by earlybird RO water should have pH of 7.0. How long since the filters have been changed on your unit? Run the gamut of tests on your RO water too. There's got to be some alk in there seeping through. Going to test ro water again.My ro unit is 6-8 months old
  8. gman08016

    lowering my ph

    Ok guys tested my ro water Between 8.0-8.2.Tested tank right now 8.4 last night 8.6.Going to watch it and get a new test kit tomorrow just for the safe side.All other test are in line .Thanks for the input but it sounds like i'am around a bunch of mad scientist ready for a lab experiment.
  9. gman08016

    lowering my ph

    Originally Posted by sk8shorty01 This is not true. Baking soda will slightly lower pH (look up the effects of baking soda on pH online, I have found quite a few sites that back this up) but will greatly raise your ALK. Don't worry wasn't going to try that one.Really don't want to corals on...
  10. gman08016

    what is your favorite beer?

    My favorite is the one i don't have to pay for.
  11. gman08016

    lowering my ph

    Originally Posted by earlybird Are you using tap or RO water? Test your water source also. I am using a ro unit.
  12. gman08016

    lowering my ph

    Thanks for the input.When i get home tonight i will test my ph out of my ro unit.It's at 8.5-8.6 just can't understand why its going up i have'nt Changed anything.Will start with fresh water first to see if that changes it.
  13. gman08016

    $10 toadstool frag

    Originally Posted by thejeweler Hello everyone I shipped frags on tuesday not monday, so everyone should receive them thursday, friday at the latest. Please P.M. me and let me know you recived your frag and it is doing ok. Just wanted to say got 2 two weeks ago .Real happy with and like to say...
  14. gman08016

    lowering my ph

    What is the correct way to lower ph.Allof my other test are intach but seems like my ph keeps getting higher.
  15. gman08016

    Lights Equipment for sale

  16. gman08016

    Elegance Coral

    Went to local store close to you i think in bristol.Of course they did'nt have one.Seen somthing like it i think.I really do not no what it is worth.I think it was some kind of cabbage they wanted $50.00 for it.Hope that helps you.Let me know what you want for it.
  17. gman08016

    Lights Equipment for sale

    Sale pending on seaclone
  18. gman08016

    WTB Some lights

    Originally Posted by kingfish8302 I have two moonlights made by corlife that can be mounted any where. I'm selling my PC's light with moonlights but i part out my moonlights for you if you want them. Here is the thread with pics with the moonlight in them...
  19. gman08016

    WTB Some lights

    Looking for some moonlights or led night lights to go in my 6Ft. canopy.
  20. gman08016

    Elegance Coral

    Where at in Philly are you located.Going to the fish store that are over there today.I'am not sure what it is worth but if the price is fair i would take it.I will see what they are selling for over there then make you an offer.I have a 150 aga so i have plenty of room.