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  1. thud

    Cleaning between sand and glass...

    IF YOUR TANK IS MADE OUT OF GLASS ONLY: Do not do this on acrylic tanks... You can actually scrape the salt and algae build up from your tank walls by using a box cutter blade and PVC pipe (as a handle!) Ive attached a picture of it. It will NOT scratch your glass. - Just make sure it's a glass...
  2. thud

    I need pics of......

    Skimmers don't work as soon as you plug them in. It takes days to notice the collection of gook. Make sure it's getting the right amount of air - but not too much or it will overflow. Keep it on at all times, after a week to two weeks you will see that it is filled with dark/greenish liquid.
  3. thud

    Omg Omg Omg Omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It amazes me as to how these kids choose what to put into the tank. Clorox ..Hott Sauce... They never seem to dump water, snapple or anything that wouldn't cause any real harm to the fish. .. it's almost as if someone put them up to it. Clorox is very common, it's amazing that they have access...
  4. thud

    Feeding Corals?

    Phytoplan is a spray-dried blend of several strains of phytoplankton. The intact cells aren`t living, but when rehydrated, they are a microencapsulated source of color-enhancing beta-carotene and astaxanthin pigments, vitamins, amino acids and essential fatty acids. A concentrated food, much...
  5. thud

    Empty Skimmer

    You may want to lower the amount of air that is getting into the skimmer otherwise most of the liquid in the top is probably going to be water.
  6. thud

    uhhhh ohhh

    Originally Posted by jeepxj922 massive take over of brown stuff on my rocks and live sand, will some hermits get rid of this along with some snails? Diatoms! If you fan them off the rocks and scrub your tank walls - they will just return. It is best to just let them be until they have consumed...
  7. thud

    Coraline Protein Skimmer

    Originally Posted by BrendaC Hello..anyone have the coraline protein super skimmer?? How in the world do you clean the inside of it?? I took it apart last night and I used a long brush..But certain area's you can not get into.Im talking about the long plastic piece that sits on the outside..Does...
  8. thud

    Not wanting to be rude th LFS owner.

    Originally Posted by Beatlesfan Ok myu LFS owner is VERY nice and helpful. He got me into FW and SW fish. The problem is i don't want to ask to watch the fish be fed..... and then it not eat and have to refuse to buy it. I want his help and do nott want to be rude. What can i do. It's not rude...
  9. thud

    the greatest fish ever!!!!

    Originally Posted by SiNaLOa213 wow howd the blue get onto it? and the price i really dont think any fish should go any more then $200 jmo Whoa, it looks like someone inverted the picture in photoshop... haha....
  10. thud

    Suggestions, Anyone?

    A cup of water should do, just make sure your fish aren't claustrophobic.
  11. thud

    Minnimum tank size for a full grown foxface?

    Your foxface would be fine in just 1 ML of water.
  12. thud

    catching a fish with another fish.

    Originally Posted by LazyPinoy i spent 4 hours chasing my tomato around but it keeps hiding in my tunnels. i have too much rockwork to diassemble and numerous tunnels. i was wondering if i can get a maroon clown fish to do the job for me and kick my tomatoes ass and possible enought to kill him...
  13. thud

    Leaving the hobby, everything must go.

    I'm in Upstate, would you happen to have a denitrator?
  14. thud

    Black Hole?

    Originally Posted by rcbc3384 Come on folks; no ideas? Your yellow tang was like "get the hell out of my tank" The sea hare refused so the yellow tang took out it's 20 gage and shot the sea hare. Luckily the sea hares scales were bulletproof, the sea hare only suffered a slight dent which now...
  15. thud

    Minnimum tank size for a full grown foxface?

    1/2 a gallon should be good for a full size foxface.
  16. thud

    The "DO NOT..." Advice List for Saltwater Aquarists

    DO NOT put a gallon of clorox bleach into your tank, it WILL NOT remove nitrates... I learned the hard way....
  17. thud

    Ammonia and Nitrate PPM question

    Originally Posted by reefkprZ the beggining of the thread was I know they should be undetectable but...... Exactly, That guy is trying to increase his post count, very lame. Anyway, thanks all for your answers.
  18. thud

    Ammonia and Nitrate PPM question

    I know ammonia and nitrates should be undetectable. What is the worst PPM or borderline PPM before fish are in serious danger? It would depend on the fish but what's your estimate?
  19. thud

    nitrification details

    Look into Midwest Atlantic's denitrifer. (no more water changes)
  20. thud

    ***** Using Cyanide?!