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  1. janastasio

    Anyone ever gotten out of speeding ticket?

    yeah the fine was doubled which is why it was $150.00. I would rather have the points than pay the money! I dont think our state even does points. In Vermont where I received the tickets, it was 2 points. Right now with fuel so high, cost of living is higher, this ticket isnt hitting at a...
  2. janastasio

    Anyone ever gotten out of speeding ticket?

    My coworkers husband is a cop and he said they rarely let you off for speeding in work zones. I clearly stand by that I never saw any speed limit signs posted with a reduced speed limit. I did say this to the cop and he said that they have been asking people they pull over if they have seen...
  3. janastasio

    Anyone ever gotten out of speeding ticket?

    I got a speeding ticket on Tuesday. Was on the interstate heading up to a doctors appointment. Its about an hour 15 from where I live. They are doing road construction off and on the entire way. Got pulled over in a work zone. Didnt even see any signs for the speed limit reduction. Saw a...
  4. janastasio

    couple new kid pics :)

    What a cutie! I love the "MeMe"! What a cute name for a grandmother, I'm assuming!
  5. janastasio

    Stitches or not?

    Glad he's doing well. Kids are amazing the way they bounce back. We can take tons of teeth out of kids for ortho extractions and they are back up the next day without missing a beat. Adults are a whole other story! I think I did put P.I.L.L.S now that you mention it!
  6. janastasio

    Stitches or not?

    just curious why the capsule part of Vit E was deleted?
  7. janastasio

    Stitches or not?

    Actually closing very nicely. Stitches would be put it to keep it looking exactly like it does now. Should heal without much scarring. Vit E applied topically over the area will keep it moist and help to prevent scarring. You want to keep something on for the next couple of weeks while it...
  8. janastasio

    what not to do when holding a nail gun

    We all just a bunch of sickos!
  9. janastasio

    REALLY fast video tour of most of my pets

    Reefkeepers, your house alot like mine! You have more in numbers with your cats and dogs though. We have 7 cats, 2 dogs, 2 ferrets, 2 guinea pigs, 4 rats, 3 rabbits, 75 gallon tank, 19 gallon tank, 46 chickens, 4 ducks. I have 3 more chicken eggs in incubator now, just placed 3 kittens to...
  10. janastasio

    what not to do when holding a nail gun

    I figured that would be my husband on Monday. We were putting a floor in our chicken coop and nailing boards to the cement wall. He hasnt had much luck in the last week with me. I acidently caught his hand in the can crusher when we were recyling, when he was trying to get the ebreak on the...
  11. janastasio

    i am exhausted. and proud as HECK!!!!

    If you dont mind me asking, what did you charge them for that cake. Just curious considering the amount of work and time you put into it. Truly fantastic cake!
  12. janastasio

    wisdom teeth removed

    mmmmmm, squishy food!
  13. janastasio

    think i broke a rib(s)

    Tylenol wont do Jack for this. You should be using a Non steroidal anti inflammatory such as Ibuproben/Advil/Motrin or Naproxen/Aleve. The ibuprofen family is usually better because you can take them every 4-6 hours where Aleve is every 12 hours. Good luck, hope nothing is broken!
  14. janastasio


    Fantastic pics, really neat, thanks for sharing.
  15. janastasio

    clown with popeye

    Oh Sep, You dare not ask! I havent even tested because I dont want to know! I'm going to get back on track with regualar water changes, then we shall go down that road! The clowns eye is not worse today, and may be a tad better. Hard to say. I have been so busy with all of my baby chicks...
  16. janastasio

    wisdom teeth removed

    Hows it feeling today? Forgot to mention JIC your oral surgery office doesnt, Ibuprofen/Advil/Motrin (these are all the same) should be taken very regularly. Alot of people only use their pain meds, which if its a hydrocodone(vicodin), it has Tylenol in it, which will do nothing for...
  17. janastasio

    i am exhausted. and proud as HECK!!!!

    That is the best cake ever! It takes the cake!
  18. janastasio

    clown with popeye

    I decided to stay up and do the water change tonight. Tank was pretty dirty, so nice to see it looking better. I will do some more frequent water changes and see if it helps. Hoping to not have to do the medicine thing. We shall see what the morning brings. Thanks for the response!
  19. janastasio

    clown with popeye

    Wow, I just read below someone else who has a sebae clown with popeye! Well, I just looked into the tank tonight before shutting lights off and low and behold, my sebae clown has popeye. Never had a fish with this before. Will completely fess up and say my tank is in dire need of attention...
  20. janastasio

    List all types of animals YOUVE owned

    my current list 2 dogs 7 cats 2 ferrets 2 guinea pigs 4 rats 4 ducks 46 chickens 3 rabbits 2 saltwater tanks w/ too many inhab. to list past additions quaker parrot 2 parakeets my husband says no more pets!