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  1. krista921

    difference between rics and shrooms?

    put it in a tupperware container with a lid and holes in your tank they cant get to it that way
  2. krista921

    freshwater stock question

    the parrot will be very aggresive as any chiclid and cannot be kept with anything other then other large south american chiclids the loach will probably be fine tho
  3. krista921

    Coral Keepers 25 gallon heavily planted tank diary.

    you cant keep tropical fish in a gold fish tank but can keep gold fish in a tropical tank they produce alot of nitrates tho so good filtration is key
  4. krista921

    Critique my stocking list, please

    Originally Posted by rcoultas you can not keep two mandarin gobies together. actually as long as theyre both not males you can :)
  5. krista921

    valentinni puffer in a reef

    my friends got one in her twenty with all sorts of corals he does fine
  6. krista921

    ? on firefish goby

    i actually say you can deffinatly do that
  7. krista921

    bloated belly

    my male had a big stomach last night his skin was streached so tight you could see inside him perfectly normal today tho any ideas??
  8. krista921

    Help With Small Office Tank (I'm new)

    i disagree about the clownfish they love the current and love to play in it :)!
  9. krista921

    ridiculous question

    CH- AY- TOE But like a spanish maid 8-)
  10. krista921

    Anybody interested in seeing BEOWULF?

    so did wee i have a test next period on it W00
  11. krista921

    ridiculous question

    I Guess I Am
  12. krista921

    Good Idea for a proposal?

    goooooooooo forrrrrrr itttttttttt
  13. krista921

    ridiculous question

    am i the only one who says "chaeto" with a spanish accent everytime i saw it ahahahha
  14. krista921

    soooooo excited

    i got my parents hooked on salt water were gonna get a 55gl or bigger for the living room yesssssss
  15. krista921

    I need a New Fish

    oohhhh i wisssshhhhh i could have a six line sooo pretty
  16. krista921

    anything cool i could add??

    get another clown so they can pair im sure yours is lonely
  17. krista921

    today i went to LFS and picked up

    a coral banded shrimp and a flame scallop!!!! the scallops awsome anyone have anything theyd like to share about either?
  18. krista921

    Eathquake and fish

    oh i would TOTALLY rather live some where else my sister lives on the gulf of mexico i loveeeeeeeeeeeee it
  19. krista921

    i would have NEVER believed it if you told me.

    for lighting i really dont know if its sufficiant i have two mini compact 10 watt 50/50 floresent "coral life" bulbs my tank is a 5 gl pico and no i dont beleive it was taken out of water for an extended amount of time i do think that it was in a tank with nothing just running for a period of...
  20. krista921

    Carpet Anemone Care

    dont write it off yet though my condy got attacked by a cc star and was expelling its insides its still alive not perfect shape yet but hes still healing