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  1. krista921

    i would have NEVER believed it if you told me.

    it would be awsome free coral!!!
  2. krista921

    Eathquake and fish

    new york no hurricanes no earthquakes no tornados but its FREEZING AHHHH
  3. krista921

    Clean up Crew

    there wont be much for them to eat...
  4. krista921

    Pics of new 24 With huge carpet

    haha its a cool carpet but it takes up your whole tank almost!
  5. krista921

    i would have NEVER believed it if you told me.

    we shall see? but yea no plankton
  6. krista921

    i would have NEVER believed it if you told me.

    yeaaa sorry its a cell phone the only way i can describe it is its a light neon green with that big patch and there are 5 or so way smaller areas of green on the rest of it
  7. krista921

    Coral Keepers 10 gallon dart frog diary.

    that set ups way cute
  8. krista921

    i think its pretty safe to sayyy

    thanks alot for the info! but on another note you might wanna think about removing your CC i woke up to mine on top of my condy eating it theyre complelty not reef safe just my opinion tho
  9. krista921

    i would have NEVER believed it if you told me.

    ahhhh cause i thought coraline algae was that pink stuff, i guess ill just have to wait and see what it does
  10. krista921

    i would have NEVER believed it if you told me.

    eh wishful thinkin
  11. krista921

    i think its pretty safe to sayyy

    its kinda a dumb question i know condys dont usually host but theres the rare chance my false perc just swam too close and got zapped sooo is it safe to say theyll never host it?
  12. krista921

    i would have NEVER believed it if you told me.

    butttttt it appears that the maze live rock my friend gave me is coming back to life??? if some would woulda told me this could happen i would have strongly doubted it the maze was in his tank then died and was keept with live rock for a while and then put into his gfs reef tank where it stayed...
  13. krista921

    90 gallon progress after 15 months

    do you also call that a kenya tree cause that what i know mine as
  14. krista921

    can you ID my anemone

    dang it wont host anything? thats nooooooo good. and itll eat fish?
  15. krista921

    can you ID my anemone

    i just recently got the anemone and kinda put him there but if you think he would have moved into a differant spot within like... a week then im sure youre right about his getting a lack of light because what i did was buy two [hr] in mini compact floresent 50/50 "coral life" bulbs. I only...
  16. krista921

    can you ID my anemone

    i posted a thread about him gettin eaten. hes still alive and looks ok. pretty stressed but im not givin up. this picture is before his "injury" what do you think it is?
  17. krista921

    Id These

    yea they really are beautiful and youll make alot of money if youre trying to breed them. true percs are more rare then some other clownfish
  18. krista921

    Id These

    look like perculas to me
  19. krista921

    anenome got eaten:(

    does any one know what my anemone is, it wasnt identified at the Reef Shoppe where i got it
  20. krista921

    anenome got eaten:(

    picture of it with its mouth closed but yea ill wait it out