nice ive gota planted tank too
and i love it
i kept chiclids in it before but they would just tear all the plants out so i got some differant stuff in there now
theyre reallly tiny cant be more then 2 millimeters long theyre whitish with what looks like a tail and maybeeeee antena i see them on the glass near the sand alot and there was one crawlin on my digital thermomator
some kinda pod???
yea thats what i thought
im not really worried about that tho because they dont go near it
i just know theyre not gonna host it
or anything else for that matter
haitian, condy, all the same right? and i thought clowns wont go in there
wrong ocean?
and cause im new can you explain why my bioloads heavy i didnt think i had that much stuff in there
ive never heard anything like that... it sounds crazy.
but yea you need live rock and live sand and it needs to cycle and your amonia and nitrates/trites need to spike and come down
i would imagine fish only is easier to keep
but how boring