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  1. farmboy

    Your Best Christmas Present EVER

    What do you do with a ring of carrots, anyway? :notsure:
  2. farmboy

    How did you find out there was no Santa?

    First: It is a birthday party for the Baby Jesus-only we get the presents! :cheer: Jesus was the BEST gift of all time! Second: We sorta "down sized" Santa-if that is possible. We wrap up most of the gifts from Mom and Dad. There are a few gifts are "left" for them to find on Christmas...
  3. farmboy

    coral reefs take millions of years to grow

    There is life at the bottom of the deepest chasm we have found in the oceans. Prety cool!
  4. farmboy

    coral reefs take millions of years to grow

    Perspective is everything.
  5. farmboy

    NC2 Tarheel

  6. farmboy

    Strange Critter

    Just in time for the Holliday!!
  7. farmboy

    Your Best Christmas Present EVER

    OUr kids got a Play Station a few years back. The smiles and celebration was shear joy and we caught it on video. It looks like they won an olmypic GOLD medal. Priceless. . .
  8. farmboy

    Happy Turkey Day Ya'll

    Yeah, man. That was good. It made me hungry, though . . . .
  9. farmboy

    Trading from US to Canada?

    Hello? . . .is this thing on? :help:
  10. farmboy

    Trading from US to Canada?

  11. farmboy

    Trading from US to Canada?

  12. farmboy

    Trading from US to Canada?

  13. farmboy

    NC2 Tarheel

    Hello Mr. Heel Do you still wanna trade for some purple/blue shrooms? Shoot me an email.
  14. farmboy

    Trading from US to Canada?

    Hey guys! Has anyone traded across the border? Is it a big deal? Are there any special requirements to send coral from the US to CA? THanks in advance, Farmboy
  15. farmboy

    Does anyone have Electric Blue mushrooms?

    Hey Kerry, THere was another Canadian, eh, that wanted to trade. We should start a thread to find out if anyone has traded up there, eh?. OK I'll drop the "ehs". I'm just about to kaseykagan, who is in Canada. It would be good to find out. Look for a post about trading across the border...
  16. farmboy

    Riddle Me This!

    Originally Posted by pbienkiewi A Cowboy rides into a small country town on Friday, he stays 1 week and leaves on Wednesday. How is this possible ? The cowboy lost track of time.
  17. farmboy

    This irritates me....alot!

    Jesus-ville is a very religious name for a town. Los Angeles is as well. THe point is that our government today didn't name them (it would be neat to live in J-town) so why should they un-name them? They are HISTORY. If I lived and worked in Allah-town (is that PA?) I don't have to be...
  18. farmboy

    This irritates me....alot!

    Who named these towns and cities? The federal government? If the name was decided by the citizenry, or at least voted on, the government isn't the one endorsing religion. It is the people. If 51% of the folks in a town want "Los Angelos" Or "Las Cruces" to be the name, then that is that...
  19. farmboy

    This irritates me....alot!

    Freedom OF religion. Not freedom FROM religion. This country was founded by God fearing people. Some named their towns after religious Icons. Who are we to change these things? Do not live in "The Crosses" if you don't like the name. Our immigrant(for the most part) fore fathers came...
  20. farmboy

    This irritates me....alot!

    Originally Posted by jcrim Religion is not bad but it is/should be a personal faith and not state sanctioned... very important on a personal level but not so much on a state level. If there was no religion, there would be no religious extremists. History would be very different... no...